Performance Tradition

The major theatre institutions and public broadcasters in Norway, together with significant twentieth-century theatrical families, and an array of government departments have maintained Et dukkehjem within global cultural markets for more than a century. They were the force behind the creation of a dominant tradition of performing the play. These graphics trace how this tradition was transmitted from production to production by participating artists.

Two-dimensional Map of Nordic Productions, 1879-1990

This map shows the trajectories of artists linking Nordic productions of Et dukkehjem from 1879 to 1990: Betty Hennings (427226), Olaf Mørch Hansson (429818), Adelaide Johannesen (427225), Ida Aalberg (427513), Johanne Dybwad (428957), Johan Fahlstrøm (434595), Bodil Ipsen (430284), Tryggve Larssen (434594), Tore Segelcke (434592), Elisabeth Bang (427853), Arne Walentin (434042), Pål Skjønberg (434684), Liv Ullmann (433854), Anna Gisle (429496), Espen Skjønberg (434575), and Marit Østbye (433400).

Three-dimensional Map of Nordic Productions, 1879-1990

In this version of the map, the trajectories of artists linking Nordic productions of Et dukkehjem from 1879 to 1990 are represented in three-dimensions with time treated as elevation.

Artist-to-artist transmission through the Nordic Et dukkehjem events

This network visualisations line of artist-to-artist transmission through the ‘Nordic’ cluster of Et dukkehjem events from the premiere production in Copenhagen, 1879. Events are distributed by their 'distance' from the premiere production by counting the number of intervening events. The network has been simplified for display on this page. It is also available as a high-resolution colour image with labels in pdf format [1.1 mb].

Norwegian artist network

This diagram identifies the actors playing Nora and the major linking artists within the Nordic Et dukkehjem tradition. Productions with Noras are marked in grey: Johanne Juell (430451), Gyda Christensen (428571), Johanne Dybwad (428957), Lillebil Ibsen (430253), Elisabeth Bang (427853), Tore Segelcke (434592), Liv Strømsted (434647), Marit Halset (429779), Monna Tandberg (433624), Ingerid Vardund (433902), Liv Ullmann (433854), Marit Østbye (433400), Frøydis Armand (434498), Lise Fjeldstad (429218), Gro Ann Uthaug (434680), Gisken Armand (427716), Vivi Sunde (433539), and Marit Synnøve Berg (434705). Radio versions as marked as circles and the remaining names indicate linking artists.

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