About IbsenStage
IbsenStage is a database of all known performances of Ibsen's plays worldwide. It is a quantitative research tool that contains data on more than 20,000 productions of Ibsen's plays and provides an accessible online resource for researching the performances. IbsenStage is continously updated by the Centre for Ibsen studies at the University of Oslo, and continues to grow as historical and contemporary data are entered into the database.
IbsenStage has been developed in cooperation with AusStage, the national database of performative art in Australia, and The National Library of Norway.
What's in IbsenStage?
IbsenStage is an event database of live performance. Information about performances is recorded in six main ways:
- Events: A distinct happening defined by title, date and venue.
- Venues: A place where an event happens, a building or a geographic location.
- Contributors: An individual who contributes to creating, performing or producing an event.
- Organisations: A group or company involved in creating, performing or producing an event.
- Works: The abstract conception of an event, typically a play script or score.