Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenue CountryResources
Enemy of the People15th October 2015Teater IbsenNorway 
Ehitusmeister Solness12th November 2004Teater VanemuineEstonia 
Espectres24th October 1907Teatre Bartrina (Centre d’Arts Escèniques)Spain 
Espectres20th September 1913Teatre Cafè PuigSpain 
Espectres22nd March 1914Teatre Centre AgrícolaSpain 
Espectres7th December 1915Teatre CervantesSpain 
Espectres29th August 1915Teatre CollelSpain 
Espectres6th October 1915Teatre Comptal (Clot)Spain 
Espectres19th February 1914Teatre Conservatori de ManresaSpain 
Un enemic del poble14th January 2005Teatre d`ArtàSpain 
Un enemic del poble12th May 2006Teatre de CapdeperaSpain 
Un enemic del poble8th October 2004Teatre de ManacorSpain3
Espectres19th September 2008Teatre de ManacorSpain 
Un enemic del poble3rd April 2005Teatre de VilafrancaSpain 
Un enemic del poble8th April 2005Teatre del MarSpain 
Espectres2nd August 1914Teatre DomènechSpain 
Espectres29th January 1917Teatre EspanyaSpain 
Espectres26th January 1994Teatre FortunySpain 
Un enemic del poble5th May 2022Teatre Gaudí de Barcelona (TGB)Spain 
Espectres1st November 2008Teatre JoventutSpain 
Espectres18th October 2008Teatre KursaalSpain 
Espectres20th March 1900Teatre LíricSpain 
Un enemic del poble23rd January 2014Teatre Lliure (Montjüic)Spain5
Espectres26th September 2008Teatre MonumentalSpain 
Espectres4th February 1994Teatre MonumentalSpain 
Espectres5th October 2008Teatre MundialSpain 
Espectres27th September 2008Teatre Municipal de BalaguerSpain 
Espectres13th September 2008Teatre Municipal de BergaSpain 
Espectres5th September 2008Teatre Municipal de PalafrugellSpain 
Un enemigo del pueblo (Ágora)11th October 2018Teatre Municipal GironaSpain 
Un enemigo del pueblo14th April 1893Teatre Novetats (Teatro Novedades)Spain 
Los espectros19th November 1913Teatre Novetats (Teatro Novedades)Spain 
Espectres16th April 1896Teatre Olimp (Teatro Olimpo)Spain 
El emperador Gynt5th June 1993Teatre Prado (Sitges)Spain 
Espectres10th October 2008Teatre PrincipalSpain 
Un enemic del poble15th May 2003Teatre Principal AlcoySpain 
Espectres8th November 2008Teatre Principal de PalmaSpain 
Espectres31st May 1914Teatre Principal de VicSpain 
EspectresJune 1915Teatre Principal de VicSpain 
Espectres29th January 1994Teatre Principal de VilanovaSpain 
Un enemic del poble26th February 2003Teatre Rialto ValenciaSpain 
Un enemic del poble12th November 2003Teatre RomeaSpain