Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenue CountryResources
EspectrosJune 1920Azuaga (Badajoz)Spain 
Enas echthros tou laou (An Enemy of the People / Ο εχθρός του λαού)8th November 1961B’ Programma Radio (Ethnikó Ídryma Radiofonías) (Second Program (National Radio Foundation))Greece 
Enta Gkampler (Hedda Gabler / Έντα Γκάμπλερ)22nd June 1955B’ Programma Radio (Ethnikó Ídryma Radiofonías) (Second Program (National Radio Foundation))Greece 
An Enemy of the People3rd November 2006Bainbridge LibraryUnited States of America 
An Enemy of the People12th November 2006Bainbridge Performing ArtsUnited States of America 
An Enemy of the People22nd April 1963Baird Music Hall, S.U.N.Y. at BuffaloUnited States of America 
An Enemy of the People15th March 1999Ballroom TheatreUnited States of America 
An Enemy of the People24th September 2014Barbican Arts CentreEngland 
Espectres26th April 1908BarcelonaSpain 
An Enemy of the People5th October 2018Barefoot ProductionsUnited States of America 
The Enemy of the People27th February 1928Barnfield TheatreEngland 
Emperor and Galilean2nd July 2023BBC Radio 3England 
The Enemy9th October 2021Beacon Arts CentreScotland 
Enemy of the people Beaudoin TheatreUnited States of America 
El canto invisible2018Beckett TeatroArgentina 
Un ennemi du peuple3rd February 1895Belgian and provinsen-HainautBelgium 
An Enemy of the People7th October 2017Belvoir St. Theatre UpstairsAustralia 
An Enemy of the People11th October 2018Belvoir St. Theatre UpstairsAustralia 
An Enemy of the People1st January 1905Berkeley Lyceum TheatreUnited States of America 
Eyolf (Klein Eyolf)25th January 1995Berliner EnsembleGermany 
An Enemy of People20th February 2010Bermuda Festival of the Performing ArtsBermuda 
An Enemy of the People4th February 1907Bijou TheatreUnited States of America 
An Enemy of the People10th May 1913Birmingham Repertory TheatreEngland 
An Enemy of the People6th November 1926Birmingham Repertory TheatreEngland 
An Enemy of the People15th November 2012Blaisdell Hall at University of Pittsburgh at BradfordUnited States of America1
An Enemy of the People17th March 1909Blanchard HallUnited States of America 
Un ennemi du peuple10th November 1893Bouffes du NordFrance1
Espectros15th April 2002BragaPortugal 
Os Espectros9th March 1959BrazilBrazil 
An Enemy Of The People19th May 2006Brewery Arts CentreEngland1
An Enemy of the People28th December 1950Broadhurst TheatreUnited States of America 
Un Ennemi du Peuple17th July 2008BrusselsBelgium 
Eu. O casă de păpuși6th October 2015BucharestRomania 
Un enemic del poble30th April 2006BúgerSpain 
An Enemy of the People18th November 2017BurgtheaterAustria 
An Enemy of the People1998BursaTurkey 
An Enemy of the People23rd February 1960CanadaCanada 
An Enemy of the People16th October 1952CanadaCanada 
Un ennemi du peuple13th July 2002Carrefour Internationale de Théâtre de OuagadougouBurkina Faso 
An Enemy of the Pueblo19th October 2017CASA 0101 TheaterUnited States of America 
Un enemigo del pueblo2nd January 1993Casa de Cultura de TobarraSpain 
Un enemigo del pueblo13th June 1991Casa de la JuventudSpain