Name_SORTName FirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Gabriel Borkman23rd November 1902Narodno pozorište u Beogradu (The National Theatre in Belgrade)Serbia 
Gabriel Borkman16th February 1912Narodno pozorište u Beogradu (The National Theatre in Belgrade)Serbia 
Gabriel Borkman (John Gabriel Borkman)31st March 1932Novi SadSerbia 
GanashatruMay 1989IndiaIndia 
Ganashatru (An Enemy of the people / গণশত্রু)7th September 2004Nationaltheatret TorshovteatretNorway 
Ganashatru (An Enemy of the people / গণশত্রু)31st July 2006Academy of Fine Arts, KolkataIndia4
Ganashatru (An Enemy of the people / গণশত্রু)26th May 2007Det Åpne TeaterNorway 
Ganbi de yisheng (An Enemy of the People / 刚愎的医生)20th March 1928Ruiting Hall, Nankai Middle SchoolChina 
Gappu Gope Gapanggamdas - An adaptation of Peer Gynt19th May 2006National Theatre Auditorium Shilpakala AcademyBangladesh 
Garai Zekenak / Tiempos mezquinos (A partir de Hedda Gabler, de Henrik Ibsen)27th November 2018Teatro ArriagaSpain 
Garai Zekenak / Tiempos mezquinos (A partir de Hedda Gabler, de Henrik Ibsen)13th January 2020Teatro ArriagaSpain 
Gästabudet på Solhoug4th November 1857Kongliga Dramatiska Teatern (Gamla Dramaten)Sweden 
Gatas Gynt29th February 2008NorwayNorway 
Gåten: Et dukkehjemSeptember 2023Skien bibliotekNorway1
Gåten: Et dukkehjem16th March 2024Gamle MunchNorway1
Gåten: Et dukkehjem23rd May 2024Skien bibliotekNorway1
Gåten: Et dukkehjem7th September 2024Gamle Norges bankNorway1
Gdy Umarli Obudzimy Się6th January 1901Teatr MiejskiUkraine 
Gdy Umarli Obudzimy Się30th August 1907VilniusLithuania 
Gdy Umarli Obudzimy Się23rd May 1908Teatr MiejskiPoland 
Gdy Umarli Obudzimy Się14th December 1912Teatr PolskiPoland 
Gdy wstaniemy z martwych7th April 1973Teatr im. Stefana JaraczaPoland 
Gdy wstaniemy z martwych14th April 1978Teatr TelewizjiPoland 
Gdy wstaniemy z martwych23rd December 2012Teatr Polskiego RadiaPoland 
Gedda Gabler Krasnyj fakel (Red torch)Russia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)10th November 1906Akademičeskij dramatičeskij teatr im. V. F. Komissarževskoj (Komissarzhevskaya Theatre)Russia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)1907Nižegorodskij gosudarstvennyj akademičeskij teatr dramiy imeni A. Gor'kogo (The Nizhny Novgorod State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Gorky)Russia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)21st February 1908VitebskBelarus 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)1914MoscowRussia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)1916Malyj Teatr (Maly Theatre)Russia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)27th January 1957Teatr kinoteatraRussia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)4th December 1983Teatr imeni MossovetaRussia1
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)1st September 2000Prijut komediantaRussia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)May 2001Podium festivalen - Meždunarodni festival teatralnih škola (International festival of Theatre Schools)Russia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)13th October 2001Satirikon (Satyricon)Russia2
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)19th December 2004Moskovskij teatr Masterskaja P. FomenkoRussia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)11th September 2005Centr imeni Vsevoloda Mejerhol'da (Centre)Russia2
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)23rd February 2006Teatr im. LensovetaRussia4
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)6th August 2006Teatr im. LensovetaRussia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)4th March 2007Voronežskij Kamernyj teatr (Voronezh Chamber Theatre)Russia5
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)14th March 2008Moskovskij Dramatičeskij Teatr pod rukovodstvom Armena DžigarchanjanaRussia5
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)8th October 2011Aleksandriskij teatrRussia