Event |
Qungui 2.0 (Ghosts 2.0 / 群鬼) |
Description | Premiere: 6th September, 19:30; 7th September, 14:30. Beehive Theatre, Beijing – Beijing Fringe Festival 2014. / Shanghai: 14-15 November, A.C.T. Festival. / Japan: 22-24 November, Festival/Tokyo. / Shanghai:7-9 August, McaM. 2015. |
Venue | Shanghai, Shanghai, China |
First Date | 14th November 2014 |
Opening Night | 6th September 2014 |
Last Date | 15th November 2014 |
Status | Professional |
Primary Genre | Theatre |
Secondary Genre | |
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Contributors | 503896 | Bolin, Li | Li Bolin | 379 | Actor | | | 468333 | Jialong, Li | Li Jialong | 379 | Actor | | | 503895 | Meng, Tong | Tong Meng | 379 | Actor | | | 503893 | Xiaohuan, Wang | Wang Xiaohuan | 379 | Actor | | | 503894 | Yongping, Cui | Cui Yongping | 379 | Actor | | | 503890 | Yulin, Yngvar | Yngvar Yulin | 387 | Costume Designer | | | 503890 | Yulin, Yngvar | Yngvar Yulin | 376 | Designer | | | 468323 | Chong, Wang | Wang Chong | 375 | Director | | | 452165 | Tørressen, Hege Randi | Hege Randi Tørressen | 383 | Dramaturg | | | 468331 | Shuchang, LIU | LIU Shuchang | 380 | Lighting Designer | | | 503891 | Tang, Julien | Julien Tang | 392 | Musician | | | 426902 | Ibsen, Henrik | Henrik Ibsen | 386 | Playwright | | | 444388 | Buresund, Inger | Inger Buresund | 384 | Producer | | | 468323 | Chong, Wang | Wang Chong | 384 | Producer | | Executive producer | 427279 | Jiaxun, Pan | Pan Jiaxun | 378 | Translator | | |
Première in a Tour | Yes |
Tour Première | |
Other Events in Tour | |
Works | |
Production Nationality | China |
Performance language | Chinese |
Further Information | Building up on the previous production “Ibsen in One Take”, “GHOSTS 2.0” represents a further experiment in combining live stage performance with video art. / Concept: Wang Chong, Inger Buresund, Yngvar Julin. / The play is born out of the collaboration between director Wang Chong and Yngvar Julin (Norwegian architect, scenographer and dramaturge) with the consultancy of Ibsen International’s dramaturge director Hege Randi Tørrensen. |
Event Identifier | 95382 |
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