Event Mabou Mines Dollhouse
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DescriptionMabou Mines Dollhouse - From Henrik Ibsen`s A Doll`s House with snippets of The Vikings of Helgeland
VenueThéâtre National Populaire, 8 Place Du Docteur Lazare Goujon, Villeurbanne, France
First Date5th October 2005
Opening Night5th October 2005
Last Date9th October 2005
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.net
434668Fergusson, HonoraHonora Fergusson379ActorMrs. Kristine Linde
437390Forker, MatthewMatthew Forker379ActorIvar
429472Gil, RicardoRicardo Gil379ActorDr. Rank
429851Harris, LisaLisa Harris379ActorHelene
437388Kritzeck, HannahHannah Kritzeck379ActorEmmy
430978Lancaster, MargaretMargaret Lancaster379ActorHelene
431558Medina, KristopherKristopher Medina379ActorNils Krogstad
431676Mitchell, MaudeMaude Mitchell379ActorNora
434669Mitchell, Tate KatieTate Katie Mitchell379ActorEmmy
437389Nunns, Zachary HouppertZachary Houppert Nunns379ActorIvar
432409Povinelli, MarkMark Povinelli379ActorTorvald Helmer
437391Weinstein, JessicaJessica Weinstein379ActorAnne Marie
428280Breuer, LeeLee Breuer389Adaptation
431676Mitchell, MaudeMaude Mitchell389Adaptation
434664Clarke, MarthaMartha Clarke385Choreographer
429142Farrell, EamonnEamonn Farrell385Choreographer
429374Galilee, CloveClove Galilee385Choreographer
431130Liberman, ErikErik Liberman385Choreographer
434665Shaw, Catherine JaneCatherine Jane Shaw385Choreographer
434666Snow, NormanNorman Snow385Choreographer
427955Beglarian, EveEve Beglarian388Composer
429440George, MeganneMeganne George387Costume Designer
434548Sissons, NarelleNarelle Sissons376Designer
428280Breuer, LeeLee Breuer375Director
434667Clarke, JocelynJocelyn Clarke383Dramaturg
431676Mitchell, MaudeMaude Mitchell383Dramaturg
437392Geiger, Mary LouiseMary Louise Geiger380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
428669Cosla, EdwardEdward Cosla381Sound Designer
Première in a TourYes
Tour Première
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Production NationalityUnited States of America
Performance languageEnglish
Further Informationtr / 440 / English / Dolls: Catherine Jane Shaw / Pianist: Ning Yu / Lisa Moore / Producer: Mabou Mines. / A film version of the production is available on http://www.maboumines.org/
Event Identifier75828
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