Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst Date Venue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Rosmersholm5th December 2013Divadlo ArénaSlovak Republic 
Les Revenants11th January 2014Théâtre de NeuchâtelSwitzerland 
Les Revenants15th January 2014Espace des Arts - Scène nationale Chalon-sur-SaôneFrance 
Rosmersholm17th January 2014Aarhus TeaterDenmark 
Rosmersholm18th January 2014Espace culturel André MalrauxFrance 
Les Revenants22nd January 2014L’apostrophe - Théâtre des LouvraisFrance 
Rosmersholm24th January 2014Centre Culturel Aragon TrioletFrance 
Les Revenants28th January 2014La Comédie de ReimsFrance 
Rosmersholm5th February 2014Théâtre de l’OppriméFrance 
Les Revenants5th February 2014MC2 - Maison de la Culture de GrenobleFrance 
Les Revenants12th February 2014Equinoxe - Scène Nationale de ChâteaurouxFrance 
Les Revenants19th February 2014Maison de la Culture d’Amiens, Grand ThéâtreFrance 
Rosmersholm20th February 2014L'Atelier à spectacleFrance 
Les Revenants25th February 2014L'EspalFrance 
Rosmersholm7th March 2014La salle Jacques BrelFrance 
Les Revenants7th March 2014Le Carré Sainte-MaximeFrance 
Rosmersholm12th March 2014Gare au ThéâtreFrance 
Les Revenants13th March 2014Théâtre Couvert, ChâteauvallonFrance 
Les Revenants18th March 2014Théâtre des CélestinsFrance 
Les Revenants26th March 2014La Comédie de Clermont-FerrandFrance 
Les Revenants11th April 2014Le Parvis Scène Nationale Tarbes PyrénéesFrance 
Les Revenants16th April 2014Théâtre de l’ArchipelFrance 
Les Revenants24th April 2014Malraux - Scène nationale Chambéry SavoieFrance 
Les Revenants10th May 2014Théâtre ÉquilibreSwitzerland 
Les Revenants15th May 2014Bonlieu Scène Nationale AnnecyFrance 
Rosmersholm29th August 2014Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern (Dramaten)Sweden 
Rotating Nora12th September 2014Dansens HusNorway 
Renmin gongdi shijian (Event of Enemy of the People / 人民公敌 事件)10th October 2014Nanjing Daxue Enling Juchang (Enling Theatre, Nanjing University)China 
Renmin Gongdi (An Enemy of the People / 人民公敌)27th October 2014Beijing Baoli Juyuan (Beijing Poly Theatre)China 
Renmin gongdi shijian (Event of Enemy of the People / 人民公敌)28th November 2014Nanjing Jiangnan Juyuan (Nanjing Jiangnan Theatre)China 
Renmin Gongdi (An Enemy of the People / 人民公敌)10th January 2015Nanjing Baoli Dajuyuan (Nanjing Poly Grand Theatre)China 
Renmin Gongdi (An Enemy of the People / 人民公敌)16th January 2015Ma An Shan Da Juyuan (Ma An Shan Grand Theatre)China 
Renmin Gongdi (An Enemy of the People / 人民公敌)23rd January 2015Qingdao Da Juyuan (Qingdao Grand Theatre)China 
Renmin Gongdi (An Enemy of the People / 人民公敌)27th January 2015Henan Poly Art Center (河南艺术中心大剧院)China 
Renmin Gongdi (An Enemy of the People / 人民公敌)4th March 2015Renmin Da Wutai (People's Grand Theatre)China 
Rosmersholm8th May 2015Moravské divadlo OlomoucCzech Republic 
Rosmersholm12th May 2015Teatro 13Italy1
Rața sălbatică3rd October 2015Teatrul BulandraRomania 
Rosmersholm10th October 2015WarszawaPoland 
Rața sălbatică18th November 2015Teatrul de Stat din Arad (Teatrul Clasic Ioan Slavici )Romania 
Rața sălbatică8th December 2015Centrul Cultural Județean CălărașiRomania 
Rotating Nora21st September 2016RiksscenenNorway