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VenueTeatrul De Stat Din Arad (Teatrul Clasic Ioan Slavici ), Bulevardul Revolutiei Nr.103, Arad, Romania
Umbrella EventFestivalul Internaţional de Teatru Clasic Arad
First Date18th November 2015
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
511850Anton, Ioana AnastasiaIoana Anastasia Anton379ActorHedvig
511849Ciucur, ManuelaManuela Ciucur379ActorGina Ekdal
485283Cojocaru, ConstantinConstantin Cojocaru379ActorOld Ekdal
511848Ifrim, GheorgheGheorghe Ifrim379Actor
511847Pavlu, ȘerbanȘerban Pavlu379ActorGregers Werle
496978Rebengiuc, VictorVictor Rebengiuc379ActorHaakon Werle
485280Titieni, AdrianAdrian Titieni379ActorRelling
511851Neculai, OctavianOctavian Neculai376Designer
511846Kerek, PeterPeter Kerek375Director
511852Darie, AlexandruAlexandru Darie380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
511853Stoleriu, AurelianAurelian Stoleriu381Sound Designer
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Is Umbrella Event ForRața sălbaticăRața sălbatică15822Teatrul Bulandra2015-10-0397057
Production NationalityRomania
Performance languageRomanian
Further InformationPerformed also on 15th of October 2015, 4th, 11th, 12th of March 2017, 14th and 20th of May 2017, 4th, 26th and 28th of June 2017. / / Photo credits: Radu Sandovici
Event Identifier97354
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