Enemy of the People, An, 20120927 | An Enemy of the People | 20120927 | 27th September 2012 | Samuel J. Friedman Theatre | Samuel J. Friedman Theatre | United States of America | 6 |
Enemigo, Un, 201210 | Un Enemigo | 201210 | October
2012 | Programa de comunicación integrada, UDD | Programa de comunicación integrada, UDD | Chile | |
Echthros tou laou, Enas, 20121019 | Enas echthros tou laou (An Enemy of the People / Ο εχθρός του λαού) | 20121019 | 19th October 2012 | Theatro Alfa | Theatro Alfa
(Alpha Theater) | Greece | |
Ennemi du peuple, Un, 20121022 | Un ennemi du peuple | 20121022 | 22nd October 2012 | Union, Théâtre de l' | Théâtre de l'Union | France | 2 |
Ennemi du peuple, Un, 20121107 | Un ennemi du peuple | 20121107 | 7th November 2012 | Grand T, Le | Le Grand T | France | 2 |
Enemy of the People, An, 20121115 | An Enemy of the People | 20121115 | 15th November 2012 | Blaisdell Hall at University of Pittsburgh at Bradford | Blaisdell Hall at University of Pittsburgh at Bradford | United States of America | 1 |
Ennemi du peuple, Un, 20121130 | Un ennemi du peuple | 20121130 | 30th November 2012 | Hôtel de Ville, Théâtre de l' | Théâtre de l'Hôtel de Ville | France | 2 |
Ennemi du peuple, Un, 20121204 | Un ennemi du peuple | 20121204 | 4th December 2012 | Carré, Scène nationale - Centre d'art contemporain, Le | Le Carré, Scène nationale - Centre d'art contemporain | France | 2 |
Enemy of the People, An, 20121207 | An Enemy of the People | 20121207 | 7th December 2012 | Kamani Auditorium | Kamani Auditorium | India | |
Eyolf (Quelque chose en moi me ronge), 20130119 | Eyolf (Quelque chose en moi me ronge) | 20130119 | 19th January 2013 | Théâtre de l’Archipel | Théâtre de l’Archipel | France | |
Eyolf (Quelque chose en moi me ronge), 20130129 | Eyolf (Quelque chose en moi me ronge) | 20130129 | 29th January 2013 | Chai Skalli | Chai Skalli | France | |
Eyolf (Quelque chose en moi me ronge), 20130201 | Eyolf (Quelque chose en moi me ronge) | 20130201 | 1st February 2013 | Théâtre sortieOuest | Théâtre sortieOuest | France | |
Ennemi public, 20130206 | Ennemi public | 20130206 | 6th February 2013 | Thionville | NEST - CDN transfrontalier de Thionville-Grand Est | France | |
Echthros tou laou, Enas, 20130208 | Enas echthros tou laou (An Enemy of the People / Ο εχθρός του λαού) | 20130208 | 8th February 2013 | Morfes Ekfrasis | Morfes Ekfrasis
(Forms of Expression) | Greece | |
Eyolf (Quelque chose en moi me ronge), 20130212 | Eyolf (Quelque chose en moi me ronge) | 20130212 | 12th February 2013 | Théâtre de l'Aquarium | Théâtre de l'Aquarium | France | |
Ennemi public, 20130221 | Ennemi public | 20130221 | 21st February 2013 | Préau Centre Dramatique Régional de Basse-Normandie, Le | Le Préau Centre Dramatique Régional de Basse-Normandie | France | |
Eyolfek, 20130223 | Eyolfek | 20130223 | 23rd February 2013 | Divadlo v Dlouhé | Divadlo v Dlouhé | Czech Republic | |
Ennemi public, 20130226 | Ennemi public | 20130226 | 26th February 2013 | Sartrouville et des Yvelines, Théâtre de | Théâtre de Sartrouville et des Yvelines | France | |
Ennemi public, 20130402 | Ennemi public | 20130402 | 2nd April 2013 | La Coupole (Sénart) | La Coupole (Sénart) | France | |
Eyolf (Quelque chose en moi me ronge), 20130403 | Eyolf (Quelque chose en moi me ronge) | 20130403 | 3rd April 2013 | Théâtre de Nîmes | Théâtre de Nîmes | France | |
Eyolf (Quelque chose en moi me ronge), 20130411 | Eyolf (Quelque chose en moi me ronge) | 20130411 | 11th April 2013 | Entracte | L'Entracte | France | |
Enemy of the People, An, 20130423 | An Enemy of the People | 20130423 | 23rd April 2013 | Hoerner Theatre | Hoerner Theatre | United States of America | |
Enemigo, Un, 201305 | Un Enemigo | 201305 | May
2013 | Liceo San José Lo Barnechea | Liceo San José Lo Barnechea | Chile | |
El pato salvaje, 20130517 | El pato salvaje | 20130517 | 17th May 2013 | Paraninfo Facultad Filología UCM | Paraninfo Facultad Filología UCM | Spain | |
Eyolfek, 20130518 | Eyolfek | 20130518 | 18th May 2013 | Moravské divadlo Olomouc | Moravské divadlo Olomouc | Czech Republic | |
Enemy of the People, An, 20130523 | An Enemy of the People | 20130523 | 23rd May 2013 | Gate Theatre, Dublin | Dublin Gate Theatre
(Gate Theatre) | Ireland | |
Eyolfek, 20130607 | Eyolfek | 20130607 | 7th June 2013 | Divadlo Petra Bezruče | Divadlo Petra Bezruče | Czech Republic | |
Enemy of the People, 20130614 | Enemy of the People | 20130614 | 14th June 2013 | Pavilion Theatre | Pavilion Theatre | Australia | 4 |
Enemy of the People, An, 20130921 | Enemy of the People | 20130921 | 21st September 2013 | Mladinski Kulturen Centar | Mladinski Kulturen Centar (MKC)
(Youth Cultural Center Skopje) | Macedonia | |
Enemy of the People, 20130923 | Enemy of the People | 20130923 | 23rd September 2013 | Teatri Oda | Teatri Oda | Kosovo | |
Enemy of the People, An, 20130925 | An Enemy of the People | 20130925 | 25th September 2013 | Albany, The | The Albany | England | |
Enemy of the People, An, 20130925 | An Enemy of the People | 20130925 | 25th September 2013 | New Diorama Theatre | New Diorama Theatre | England | |
Enemy of the People, An, 20131001 | An Enemy of the People | 20131001 | 1st October 2013 | Tobacco Factory Theatre | Tobacco Factory Theatre | England | |
Enemy of the People, An, 20131008 | An Enemy of the People | 20131008 | 8th October 2013 | Saltash.net Community School | Saltash.net Community School | England | |
Enemy of the People, An, 20131011 | An Enemy of the People | 20131011 | 11th October 2013 | Mullion School | Mullion School | England | |
Enemy of the People, An, 20131017 | An Enemy of the People | 20131017 | 17th October 2013 | Plough Arts Centre, The | The Plough Arts Centre | England | |
Enemy of the People, An, 20131022 | An Enemy of the People | 20131022 | 22nd October 2013 | Liskeard School & Community College | Liskeard School & Community College | England | |
Enemy of the People, An, 20131114 | An Enemy of the People | 20131114 | 14th November 2013 | Ruth Caplin Theatre | Ruth Caplin Theatre | United States of America | 1 |
Ennemi du peuple, Un, 20131203 | Un ennemi du peuple | 20131203 | 3rd December 2013 | L'Espal | L'Espal | France | 2 |
Ennemi du peuple, Un, 20131217 | Un ennemi du peuple | 20131217 | 17th December 2013 | Théâtre, scène nationale de Saint-Nazaire, Le | Le Théâtre, scène nationale de Saint-Nazaire | France | 2 |
Enemy of the People, An, 20140108 | An Enemy of the People | 20140108 | 8th January 2014 | Gallery Theatre, National Museum of Singapore | Gallery Theatre, National Museum of Singapore | Singapore | 5 |
Ennemi du peuple, Un, 20140116 | Un ennemi du peuple | 20140116 | 16th January 2014 | Minotaure et l'Hectare, Le | Le Minotaure et l'Hectare | France | 2 |