Organisation Nationaltheatret
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AddressOslo, Norway
  • Presenting Company
  • Production Company
  • Touring Company
Function, Event, Venue, Date
    • Production Company, En Folkefiende, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 2nd September 1899
    • Production Company, Naar vi døde vaagner, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 6th February 1900
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 5th March 1900
    • Production Company, Per Gynt, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 14th May 1900
    • Production Company, Kongs-Emnerne, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 10th October 1900
    • Production Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 5th October 1901
    • Production Company, Fru Inger til Østraat, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 22nd January 1902
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 27th February 1902
    • Production Company, Keiser og Galilæer. 1ste Del: Cæsars Frafald, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 20th March 1903
    • Production Company, De unges Forbund, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 15th May 1903
    • Production Company, De unges Forbund, Kongliga Dramatiska Teatern (Gamla Dramaten), Stockholm, Sweden, 3rd June 1903
    • Production Company, Hedda Gabler, Kongliga Dramatiska Teatern (Gamla Dramaten), Stockholm, Sweden, 5th June 1903
    • Production Company, Keiser og Galilæer. 1ste Del: Cæsars Frafald, Kongliga Dramatiska Teatern (Gamla Dramaten), Stockholm, Sweden, 10th June 1903
    • Production Company, Vildanden, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 16th March 1904
    • Production Company, Brand, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 14th September 1904
    • Production Company, Kjærlighedens Komedie, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 14th September 1905
    • Production Company, Rosmersholm, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 15th November 1905
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 27th November 1906
    • Production Company, Brand, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 12th August 1908
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 16th August 1908
    • Production Company, Vildanden, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 18th August 1908
    • Production Company, De Unges Forbund, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 24th January 1909
    • Production Company, Vildanden, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 28th August 1909
    • Production Company, Brand, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 23rd September 1909
    • Production Company, Bygmester Solness, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 20th January 1910
    • Production Company, Fruen fra havet, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 18th April 1912
    • Production Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 20th March 1913
    • Production Company, En Folkefiende, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 9th February 1915
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 4th April 1916
    • Production Company, Samfundets Støtter, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 16th September 1916
    • Production Company, Vildanden, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 10th October 1918
    • Production Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 1st April 1920
    • Production Company, Kongsemnerne, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 22nd November 1921
    • Production Company, Brand, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 15th August 1922
    • Production Company, Rosmersholm, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 15th November 1922
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 2nd November 1923
    • Production Company, Et dukkehjem, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 23rd May 1924
    • Production Company, En Folkefiende, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 2nd September 1924
    • Production Company, De Unges Forbund, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 5th September 1925
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 30th October 1925
    • Production Company, Hærmennene på Helgeland, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 26th March 1927
    • Production Company, Rosmersholm, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 17th November 1927
    • Production Company, Brand, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 23rd February 1928
    • Production Company, Vildanden, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 8th March 1928
    • Production Company, De Unges Forbund, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 16th March 1928
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 17th March 1928
    • Production Company, En Folkefiende, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 18th March 1928
    • Production Company, Rosmersholm, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 20th March 1928
    • Production Company, Fru Inger til Østraat, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 25th February 1931
    • Production Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 14th February 1932
    • Production Company, Naar vi døde vaagner, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 22nd February 1934
    • Production Company, Kærlighedens komedie, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 21st August 1934
    • Production Company, En Folkefiende, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 4th November 1934
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 3rd April 1936
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 13th October 1936
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Paris, France, May 1937
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Paris, France, 26th May 1937
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern (Dramaten), Stockholm, Sweden, September 1937
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 20th March 1938
    • Production Company, Kongsemnerne, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 6th October 1938
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, NRK Radio (Norge), Norway, Norway, 5th January 1939
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern (Dramaten), Stockholm, Sweden, 3rd May 1939
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Svenska Teatern, Helsinki, Finland, 12th June 1939
    • Production Company, Bygmester Solness, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 2nd September 1939
    • Production Company, Bygmester Solness, Det Kongelige Teater, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15th March 1940
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 26th April 1940
    • Production Company, Samfundets støtter, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 21st May 1940
    • Production Company, Olav Liljekrans - Opera i tre akter av Arne Eggen, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 11th June 1940
    • Production Company, De Unges Forbund, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 2nd September 1940
    • Production Company, Lille Eyolf, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 10th October 1941
    • Production Company, Brand, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 2nd April 1942
    • Production Company, En folkefiende, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 12th November 1942
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 1st September 1945
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 21st May 1946
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Det Kongelige Teater, Copenhagen, Denmark, 26th May 1946
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Det Kongelige Teater, Copenhagen, Denmark, 27th May 1946
    • Production Company, Rosmersholm, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 27th November 1947
    • Production Company, Vildanden, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 27th January 1949
    • Production Company, Vildanden, Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern (Dramaten), Stockholm, Sweden, 10th May 1949
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 30th August 1949
    • Production Company, De unges forbund, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 14th May 1950
    • Production Company, Bygmester Solness, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 20th September 1950
    • Production Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 23rd October 1951
    • Production Company, Fruen fra havet, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 15th February 1952
    • Production Company, En folkefiende, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 13th November 1952
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 10th June 1954
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 9th October 1954
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 1st May 1955
    • Production Company, Keiser og Galilæer, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 15th November 1955
    • Production Company, Lille Eyolf, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 23rd May 1956
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Burgtheater, Vienna, Austria, 21st June 1956
    • Production Company, Kjærlighetens komedie, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 30th August 1956
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 4th June 1957
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 15th August 1957
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Folketeatret, Copenhagen, Denmark, 27th August 1957
    • Production Company, Kongsemnerne, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 18th October 1958
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 10th June 1959
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Centralteatret, Oslo, Norway, 3rd September 1959
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Parkteatret, Moss, Norway, 15th March 1960
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Drammens Teater, Drammen, Norway, 16th March 1960
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Munken kino, Larvik, Norway, 22nd March 1960
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Kilden, Tønsberg, Norway, 23rd March 1960
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Rådhusteatret, Kongsvinger, Norway, 26th March 1960
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Teatret Hamar, Hamar, Norway, 27th March 1960
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Gjøvik Kinoen, Gjøvik, Norway, 29th March 1960
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Svenska Teatern, Helsinki, Finland, 14th April 1961
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm, Sweden, 28th April 1961
    • Production Company, Naar vi døde vaagner, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 22nd November 1961
    • Production Company, Naar vi døde vaagner, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 31st May 1962
    • Production Company, Rosmersholm, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 30th April 1963
    • Production Company, Rosmersholm, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 6th June 1963
    • Production Company, Vildanden, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 3rd November 1964
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 22nd April 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 27th May 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Lillesand Teater, Lillesand, Norway, 6th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Farsund kino, Farsund, Norway, 7th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Kinoen Flekkefjord, Flekkefjord, Norway, 8th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Gimlemoen, Kristiansand, Norway, 9th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Nidarhallen, Froland, Norway, 11th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Aulaen, Horten, Norway, 12th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Teatret, Brevik, Norway, 13th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Munken kino, Larvik, Norway, 14th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Kilden, Tønsberg, Norway, 15th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Sentrum kino, Langesund, Norway, 16th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Holmestrand Samfunnshus, Holmestrand, Norway, 17th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Teatret, Porsgrunn, Norway, 18th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Drammens Teater, Drammen, Norway, 20th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Teatret Hamar, Hamar, Norway, 21st September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Kinoen Lillehammer, Lillehammer, Norway, 23rd September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Samfunnshuset, Øyer, Norway, 25th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Samfunnshuset, Vågåmo, Norway, 26th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Kinolokalet, Dombås, Norway, 27th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Samfunnshuset, Sunndalsøra, Norway, 28th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Molde kino, Molde, Norway, 29th September 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Festiviteten Kristiansund (Festiviteten), Kristiansund, Norway, 1st October 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Kinoen Åndalsnes (Aandalsnes), Åndalsnes, Norway, 2nd October 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Volda Samfunnshus, Volda, Norway, 3rd October 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Ulsteinvik Samfunnshus, Ulsteinvik, Norway, 4th October 1965
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Arbeiderforeningen, Ålesund, Norway, 5th October 1965
    • Production Company, Brand, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 31st March 1966
    • Production Company, Brand, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 9th June 1966
    • Production Company, Fruen fra havet, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 3rd February 1968
    • Production Company, Fruen fra havet, Svenska Teatern, Helsinki, Finland, 16th May 1968
    • Production Company, Fruen fra havet, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 25th May 1968
    • Production Company, Bygmester Solness, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 11th September 1969
    • Production Company, Samfundets støtter, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 1st September 1970
    • Production Company, Et dukkehjem, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 25th August 1971
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 4th October 1972
    • Production Company, Kongsemnerne, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 29th August 1973
    • Production Company, Et dukkehjem, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 9th October 1974
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 20th March 1975
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 23rd May 1975
    • Production Company, Catilina, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 5th February 1976
    • Production Company, Fruen fra havet, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 26th December 1977
    • Production Company, Lille Eyolf, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 11th May 1978
    • Production Company, Fruen fra havet, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 27th May 1978
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 4th September 1981
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Speilet, Fredrikstad, Norway, 3rd November 1981
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Parkteatret, Moss, Norway, 4th November 1981
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Kulturbygget, Raufoss, Norway, 5th November 1981
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Kulturbygget, Fagernes, Norway, 6th November 1981
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Drammens Teater, Drammen, Norway, 9th November 1981
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Gymnastikkbygget, Røros, Norway, 12th November 1981
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Samfunnshuset Folldal, Folldal, Norway, 13th November 1981
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Samfunnshuset Alvdal, Alvdal, Norway, 14th November 1981
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Fauske Kino, Fauske, Norway, 18th November 1981
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Samfunnshuset Mo i Rana, Mo i Rana, Norway, 19th November 1981
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Fram kino, Bodø, Norway, 20th November 1981
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Samfunnssalen Harstad, Norway, 22nd November 1981
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Folkets Hus, Narvik, Norway, 24th November 1981
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 3rd June 1982
    • Production Company, Når vi døde vågner, Theater der Nationen, Sofia, Bulgaria, 20th June 1982
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Nationaltheatret Torshovteatret, Oslo, Norway, 26th February 1983
    • Production Company, Et Dukkehjem, Skien, Skien, Norway, 4th December 1983
    • Production Company, Vildanden, Nationaltheatret Torshovteatret, Oslo, Norway, 15th April 1986
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 1st September 1990
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 29th May 1991
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Madrid, Madrid, Spain, June 1991
    • Production Company, Vildanden, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 29th August 1991
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 30th August 1991
    • Production Company, Hærmennene på Helgeland, Nationaltheatret Malersalen, Oslo, Norway, 31st August 1991
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Kristiansand, Kristiansand, Norway, 14th January 1992
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Sandefjord, Sandefjord, Norway, 17th January 1992
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Ibsenhuset, Skien, Norway, 19th January 1992
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 27th May 1992
    • Production Company, Samfundets støtter, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 29th August 1992
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 8th January 1993
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 1st June 1993
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 8th September 1993
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm, Sweden, 5th March 1994
    • Production Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 27th August 1994
    • Production Company, Hedda Gabler, Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 31st May 1995
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Capital Theatre, Beijing, China, October 1995
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Meiqi Juyuan (Meiqi Theatre / 梅奇剧院), Shanghai, China, November 1995
    • Production Company, Gengangere, Det Kongelige Teater, Copenhagen, Denmark, 28th February 1996
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 9th August 2014
    • Production Company, Musikklab volum 2: En folkefiende, Nationaltheatret Torshovteatret, Oslo, Norway, 3rd September 2014
    • Production Company, Gjengangere, Nationaltheatret Malersalen, Oslo, Norway, 4th September 2014
    • Production Company, Lille Eyolf, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 9th September 2014
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 19th August 2015
    • Production Company, Lille Eyolf, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 20th August 2015
    • Production Company, Samfunnets støtter, Riksteatret i Nydalen, Oslo, Norway, 7th September 2015
    • Production Company, Borkman, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 13th August 2016
    • Production Company, Samfunnets støtter, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 7th September 2016
    • Production Company, Vildanden + En folkefiende – Enemy of the Duck, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 8th September 2016
    • Production Company, Brand – min gud er storm, Nationaltheatret Malersalen, Oslo, Norway, 10th September 2016
    • Production Company, Lille Eyolf, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 29th August 2017
    • Production Company, Lille Eyolf, The Print Room, London, England, 19th April 2018
    • Production Company, Byggmester Solness, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 8th September 2018
    • Production Company, Hærmennene på Helgeland, Nationaltheatret Malersalen, Oslo, Norway, 10th September 2018
    • Production Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret Torshovteatret, Oslo, Norway, 11th September 2018
    • Production Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret Torshovteatret, Oslo, Norway, 11th September 2018
    • Production Company, Fruen fra havet, Nationaltheatret Malersalen, Oslo, Norway, 14th September 2018
    • Production Company, Lille Eyolf, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 24th May 2019
    • Production Company, Hærmennene på Helgeland, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 14th August 2019
    • Production Company, Nordische Heerfahrt / Hærmennene på Helgeland, Schauspiel Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 16th September 2019
    • Production Company, Fruen fra havet, Nationaltheatret Malersalen, Oslo, Norway, 15th November 2019
    • Production Company, Hærmennene på Helgeland, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 6th January 2020
    • Production Company, Et dukkehjem, Nationaltheatret Torshovteatret, Oslo, Norway, 9th September 2020
    • Production Company, Vildanden, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 10th September 2020
    • Production Company, Fruen fra havet, Nationaltheatret Malersalen, Oslo, Norway, 11th September 2020
    • Production Company, Fruen fra havet, Ramme i Hvitsten, Hvitsten, Norway, 18th June 2021
    • Production Company, John Gabriel Borkman, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 7th September 2022
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Grieghallen (Klokkeklang), Bergen, Norway, 22nd May 2024
    • Production Company, Hedda Gabler, Kanonhallen, Oslo, Norway, 23rd August 2024
    • Production Company, Peer Gynt, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 21st September 2024
    • Production Company, Et dukkehjem, Kanonhallen, Oslo, Norway, 27th September 2024
    • Presenting Company, Et Dukkehjem, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 20th May 1954
    • Presenting Company, Vildanden, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 3rd June 1955
    • Presenting Company, Vildanden, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 8th September 1955
    • Presenting Company, Vildanden, Théâtre Sarah Bernhardt, Paris, France, 26th June 1956
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 9th June 1960
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 10th September 1960
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Svenska Teatern, Helsinki, Finland, 13th April 1961
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm, Sweden, 18th April 1961
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 26th May 1971
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Festiviteten Haugesund Teater & Konserthus, Haugesund, Norway, 2nd June 1971
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Voss kino, Voss, Norway, 4th June 1971
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Brumunddal, Brumunddal, Norway, 28th August 1971
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Hønefoss, Hønefoss, Norway, 1st September 1971
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Holmestrand, Holmestrand, Norway, 6th September 1971
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Ås, Ås, Norway, 7th September 1971
    • Presenting Company, Hedda gābureru (Hedda Gabler / ヘッダ・ガーブレル), Nissei gekijō (Nissay Theatre / 日生劇場), Tokyo, Japan, 21st September 1971
    • Presenting Company, Ningyō no ie (A Doll's House / 人形の家), Nissei gekijō (Nissay Theatre / 日生劇場), Tokyo, Japan, 23rd September 1971
    • Presenting Company, Ningyō no ie (A Doll's House / 人形の家), National Theatre, Tokyo, Japan, 30th September 1971
    • Presenting Company, Ningyō no ie (A Doll's House / 人形の家), Aichi Bunka Kodo Auditorium, Nagoya, Japan, 2nd October 1971
    • Presenting Company, Ningyō no ie (A Doll's House / 人形の家), Orikkusu Gekijō (Orix Theater / オリックス劇場), Osaka, Japan, 3rd October 1971
    • Presenting Company, Ningyō no ie (A Doll's House / 人形の家), Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu, Japan, 5th October 1971
    • Presenting Company, Hedda gābureru (Hedda Gabler / ヘッダ・ガーブレル), Shimin Kaikan (Fukuoka Civic Hall / 福岡市民会館), Fukuoka, Japan, 6th October 1971
    • Presenting Company, Ningyō no ie (A Doll's House / 人形の家), Kyōto kaikan (Kyoto Kaikan Hall / 京都会館), Kyoto, Japan, 9th October 1971
    • Presenting Company, Ningyō no ie (A Doll's House / 人形の家), Kokusai Kaikan, Kobe, Japan, 10th October 1971
    • Presenting Company, Hedda gābureru (Hedda Gabler / ヘッダ・ガーブレル), Orikkusu Gekijō (Orix Theater / オリックス劇場), Osaka, Japan, 11th October 1971
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Kongsvinger, Kongsvinger, Norway, 27th October 1971
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 27th December 1971
    • Presenting Company, Et dukkehjem, Tingvang, Heggenes, Norway, 18th October 1972
    • Presenting Company, Et dukkehjem, Gjøvik Kinoen, Gjøvik, Norway, 19th October 1972
    • Presenting Company, Et dukkehjem, Kinoen Lillehammer, Lillehammer, Norway, 20th October 1972
    • Presenting Company, Et Dukkehjem, Hedemarken Hotell (Teatersalen), Brumunddal, Norway, 21st October 1972
    • Presenting Company, Et Dukkehjem, Folkets Hus, Sarpsborg, Norway, 26th October 1972
    • Presenting Company, Et Dukkehjem, Kinoteatret, Askim, Norway, 27th October 1972
    • Presenting Company, Et Dukkehjem, Rådhuset, Hov i Land, Norway, 29th October 1972
    • Presenting Company, Et Dukkehjem, Det Kongelige Teater, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10th January 1974
    • Presenting Company, Peer Gynt, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 31st August 1985
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Universitetet i Urbygningen, Oslo, Norway, 7th September 1990
    • Presenting Company, Little Eyolf, Universitetet i Urbygningen, Oslo, Norway, 7th September 1991
    • Presenting Company, Peer Gynt. Konsertversjon, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 9th September 1994
    • Presenting Company, Vildanden, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 31st August 1996
    • Presenting Company, Rosmersholm, NRK 1, Norway, Norway, 15th April 2001
    • Presenting Company, Un ennemi du peuple, Carrefour Internationale de Théâtre de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 13th July 2002
    • Presenting Company, Terje Vigen, Kulturkirken Jakob, Oslo, Norway, 30th August 2002
    • Presenting Company, Un ennemi du peuple, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 5th September 2002
    • Presenting Company, Terje Vigen, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 23rd September 2002
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Risørhuset, Risør, Norway, 15th February 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Grimstad Kulturhus, Grimstad, Norway, 16th February 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Agder Teater (Hovedscenen), Kristiansand, Norway, 17th February 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Kvinesdal Kulturhus, Kvinesdal, Norway, 20th February 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Sirdal Kulturhus, Tonstad, Norway, 21st February 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Storstova i Jæren-foajeen, Bryne, Norway, 22nd February 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Sandnes Kulturhus, Sandnes, Norway, 23rd February 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Karmøy Kino, Kopervik, Norway, 24th February 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Festiviteten Haugesund Teater & Konserthus, Haugesund, Norway, 25th February 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Stord Kulturhuset, Stord, Norway, 27th February 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Hjertnes Kulturhus, Sandefjord, Norway, 1st March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Ibsenhuset, Skien, Norway, 2nd March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Gullbring kulturanlegg, Bø, Norway, 3rd March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Drammens Teater, Drammen, Norway, 4th March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Modum Kulturhuset, Vikersund, Norway, 5th March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Ål kulturhus, Ål, Norway, 7th March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Sogndal Kulturhus, Sogndal, Norway, 8th March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Flora Samfunnshus, Florø, Norway, 9th March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Fjordane Folkehøgskule, Nordfjordeid, Norway, 10th March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Ørsta Kulturhus, Ørsta, Norway, 11th March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Parken kulturhus, Ålesund, Norway, 13th March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Teatret Vårt, Molde, Norway, 14th March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Surnadalen Kulturhus, Surnadal, Norway, 15th March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Gjøvik, Gjøvik, Norway, 17th March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Kulturhuset Fagernes, Fagernes, Norway, 18th March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Maihaugsalen, Lillehammer, Norway, 19th March 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Munken kino, Larvik, Norway, 23rd April 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Bakkenteigen Kulturhus, Horten, Norway, 24th April 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Askim Kinoteater, Askim, Norway, 25th April 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Rådhusteatret, Kongsvinger, Norway, 26th April 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Elverum kulturhus, Elverum, Norway, 27th April 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Tynset Kulturhus, Tynset, Norway, 28th April 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Storstuggu på Røros, Røros, Norway, 29th April 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Nøtterøy Kulturhus, Nøtterøy, Norway, 2nd May 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Notodden Teater, Notodden, Norway, 3rd May 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Ullensaker Kulturhus, Jessheim, Norway, 4th May 2003
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 8th May 2003
    • Presenting Company, En folkefiende, Grimstad Kulturhus, Grimstad, Norway, 26th May 2003
    • Presenting Company, En folkefiende, Grimstad, Grimstad, Norway, 7th July 2003
    • Presenting Company, Kongs-emnerne, Det Kongelige Teater, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10th September 2004
    • Presenting Company, Kongs-emnerne, Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern (Dramaten), Stockholm, Sweden, 9th December 2004
    • Presenting Company, Kongs-emnerne, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 4th January 2005
    • Presenting Company, Vildanden, NRK 1, Norway, Norway, 27th March 2005
    • Presenting Company, Hærmennene fra Helgeland, Nationaltheatret Foyer, Oslo, Norway, 26th February 2006
    • Presenting Company, Gengangere, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 24th August 2006
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 25th August 2006
    • Presenting Company, Byggmester Solness, Nationaltheatret Bakscenen, Oslo, Norway, 26th August 2006
    • Presenting Company, Når vi døde... Gjenbruk av Henrik Ibsens Når vi døde vågner, Nationaltheatret Malersalen, Oslo, Norway, 26th August 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Nationaltheatret Bakscenen, Oslo, Norway, 14th September 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Nationernas Hus (Scholanders sal), Linköping, Sweden, 20th September 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Folkets Hus, Uddevalla, Sweden, 22nd September 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Pustervik, Göteborg, Sweden, 24th September 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Förslöv skola, Förslöv, Sweden, 26th September 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Inkonst, Malmö, Sweden, 29th September 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Gullstrandskolan, Landskrona, Sweden, 2nd October 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Pustervik, Göteborg, Sweden, 3rd October 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Gävle Teater, Gävle, Sweden, 8th October 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Stadsteatern i Falun, Falun, Sweden, 9th October 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Växjö Teater, Växjö, Sweden, 18th October 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Sparresalen, Karlskrona, Sweden, 19th October 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Katedralskolan, Lund, Sweden, 20th October 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Kungsbacka, Kungsbacka, Sweden, 22nd October 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Parkskolan, Kristianstad, Sweden, 24th October 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Korsavadshallen, Simrishamn, Sweden, 25th October 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Tennisstadion, Ystad, Sweden, 26th October 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Teater Halland, Varberg, Sweden, 27th October 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Teater 1, Riksteatern, Hallunda, Sweden, 29th October 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Cylindahallen, Vara, Sweden, 4th November 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Arenan, Karlstad, Sweden, 6th November 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Folkets Hus, Hudiksvall, Sweden, 9th November 2006
    • Presenting Company, Keiser og galileer, Nationaltheatret Torshovteatret, Oslo, Norway, 11th November 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Storsjöteatern, Östersund, Sweden, 11th November 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Tonhallen, Sundsvall, Sweden, 12th November 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Midgårdsskolan, Umeå, Sweden, 15th November 2006
    • Presenting Company, Lille Eyolf, Teater 1, Riksteatern, Hallunda, Sweden, 18th November 2006
    • Presenting Company, Når vi døde... Gjenbruk av Henrik Ibsens Når vi døde vågner, Nationaltheatret Malersalen, Oslo, Norway, 5th January 2007
    • Presenting Company, Gengangere, Ibsenhuset, Skien, Norway, 10th March 2007
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Katona József Színház, Kecskemét, Hungary, 4th May 2007
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 7th November 2007
    • Presenting Company, Brand, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, Norway, 22nd May 2008
    • Presenting Company, Brand, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 2nd June 2008
    • Presenting Company, Rosmersholm, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 28th August 2008
    • Presenting Company, Brand, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 31st August 2008
    • Presenting Company, En folkefiende, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 3rd September 2008
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 12th September 2008
    • Presenting Company, Rosmersholm, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 6th February 2009
    • Presenting Company, En folkefiende, Ha-Te'atron Ha-Kameri (The Cameri Theatre / התיאטרון הקאמרי), Tel Aviv, Israel, 8th June 2009
    • Presenting Company, En folkefiende, Al Kasaba Theatre (masrah wasinamatuk alqasaba / مسرح وسينماتك القصبة), West Bank, Palestinian Territories, 11th June 2009
    • Presenting Company, Ibsenmaskin, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 26th August 2010
    • Presenting Company, Et dukkehjem, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 27th August 2010
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret Malersalen, Oslo, Norway, 28th August 2010
    • Presenting Company, Minshū no teki (An Enemy of the People / 民衆の敵), A uru su potto (Owl Spot / あうるすぽっと), Tokyo, Japan, 17th November 2010
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 4th May 2011
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 1st September 2011
    • Presenting Company, En folkefiende i Oslo - av Rimini Protokoll, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 23rd August 2012
    • Presenting Company, Peer Gynt, Nationaltheatret Torshovteatret, Oslo, Norway, 25th August 2012
    • Presenting Company, Peer på en pall, Peer Gynt Skulpturpark, Oslo, Norway, 31st August 2012
    • Presenting Company, Villanden, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 4th September 2012
    • Presenting Company, Peer på en pall, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 6th September 2012
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, The John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, Washington D.C., United States of America, 26th February 2013
    • Presenting Company, Hedda Gabler, Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen, Oslo, Norway, 12th November 2013
    • Presenting Company, Peer på en pall, Hyderabad University (Hyderabad University / హైదరాబాద్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయం), Hyderabad, India, 12th February 2015
    • Presenting Company, Sancthansnatten, IBSEN Museum & Teater, Oslo, Norway, 20th March 2022
    • Touring Company, Et Dukkehjem, Burgtheater (Akademietheater), Vienna, Austria, 15th June 1973
    • Kjærlighetens komedie, Nationaltheatret Amfiscenen, Oslo, Norway, 1st September 1980
    • Terje Vigen. Alene, men sammen for oss alle, Nationaltheatret, Oslo, Norway, 8th April 2020
NotesWikidata Q109486581
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Organisation Identifier32424
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