Event Peer Gynts Asylum's Dreams (Shizuoka)
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DescriptionThis project was awarded with the Ibsen Scholarship in 2019. This is event is the third phase of the project, and was completed in Shizuoka, from November 5th to November 19th, 2019. ABOUT THE PROJECT IN GENERAL: “Multitude of Peer Gynts” is a project initiated by director Yudi Ahmad Tajudin and dramaturg Ugoran Prasad from Teater Garasi in Indonesia. The project is an inter-Asian project where artists from as diverse countries as Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam and Sri Lanka will look into the fourth and fifth act of Henrik Ibsen´s “Peer Gynt”, creating a collaborative piece of performance. In these two acts, we find a disillusioned Peer traveling, trying to find his way in the world: through corrupt business and by re-imagining himself in new personas over and over again. In the last act of the play, we follow him in search for himself as he returns to his place of birth. From this platform, the project will spring thematically, exploring issues like mobility and immobility, fear and anxiety and the idea of “home” from the perspective of diverse Asian corners. The project looks at Ibsen’s “Peer Gynt” as a courageous tactical manual of global mobility, border crossing, drifting, and intentionally getting lost in the fear-mongering, anxiety-inducing world from the perspective of precariat subjects. That is – getting lost in the search for a new sense and a different kind of home. “Peer Gynt” gestures toward the possibility of Peer Gynt’s imaginary that consists of a multitude of subjects alike that were forced to travel the world for various political, social, philosophical, and/or personal causes. With this possibility, the project is aimed to begin uncovering the larger picture of the overlooked, tactical world-map, where all these Peer Gynts came from. Looking at the shrinking but perpetually reterritorialized world from viewpoints of the diverse Asian corners, the project seeks to discover new intersections along the pathways of Asian precariat’s, those who navigate through fear and anxiety as engineered by the invisible and ubiquitous new Empires of our contemporaneity.
VenueSpac - Shizuoka Ken Butai Geijutsu Sentā (Shizuoka Arts Theatre / Spac- 静岡県舞台芸術センター), 79-4 Ikeda, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
First Date5th November 2019
Opening Night5th November 2019
Last Date19th November 2019
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Derivative work
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530437Iswardhani, ArsitaArsita Iswardhani379Actor
530814Qomarudin, Muhammad NurMuhammad Nur Qomarudin379ActorActor/Dancer
528317Morinaga, YasuhiroYasuhiro Morinaga388ComposerSound artist/Composer
530812Kawaguchi, TakaoTakao Kawaguchi393DancerPerformance artist/Dancer/Choreographer
530813Perera, VenuriVenuri Perera393DancerChoreographer/Dancer
519004Tajudin, Yudi AhmadYudi Ahmad Tajudin375Director
519005Prasad, UgoranUgoran Prasad383Dramaturg
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
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Production NationalityIndonesia
Performance languageEnglish, Japanese
Further InformationThe third phase of the project in 2019 was taking placed in Shizuoka city, Japan. The MPG phase in Shizuoka is the first phase of the realization of the Ibsen Scholarship 2019 support for this project. As the Shizuoka phase is the culmination phase of the project in 2019, this time, it took a longer time than the two previous phases. From October 16th to November 4th, the Shizuoka phase started with more than 2 weeks workshop, held in Shizuoka Performing Arts Center (SPAC), where all the core artistscollaborators of the project also had a collaborative process with 6 performing artists from SPAC, to create the first complete theater performance of the project: “Peer Gynts – Asylum’s Dreams.” The piece, the Shizuoka version of the project, was performed in the main stage of SPAC, Shizuoka Arts Theater, from November 5th until 19, 2019, in front of Shizuoka high school students on the weekday’s shows and the general public on the weekend. The hybridization between the Larantuka’s findings and Tokyo’s findings, as well as the presence of our new collaborators from Shizuoka Performing Arts Center, allow us to build a more cohesive world for the productions. All the three phases of the project in 2019 had strengthened our believe in our modular approach as well as the more dynamics relationship between performance making and the specificity of its context, location, as well as the audience where the project took place. The work in progress approach allows the performance making as a knowledge-production laboratory to grow with the public. The overall project of Multitude Peer Gynts will continue to apply and expand our modular approach as we travel back to Indonesia in 2020 and as we plan to embark to Vietnam and Sri Lanka in 2021. The phase in Shizuoka was also a co-production between Teater Garasi/ Garasi Performance Institute and Shizuoka Performing Arts Center (SPAC), supported by Japan Foundation-Asia Center, Agency for Cultural Affairs (Government of Japan through the Japan Arts Council, Japan Foundation for Regional Art-Activities) and Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy.
Event Identifier102650
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