dockhem, ett, 20190929 | Ett dockhem | 20190929 | 29th September 2019 | Lindesborgs bygdegård | Lindesborgs bygdegård | Sweden | |
dockhem, ett, 20191004 | Ett dockhem | 20191004 | 4th October 2019 | Länsteatern På Gotland | Länsteatern På Gotland | Sweden | |
dockhem, ett, 20191009 | Ett dockhem | 20191009 | 9th October 2019 | Elektron | Elektron | Sweden | |
dockhem, ett, 20191011 | Ett dockhem | 20191011 | 11th October 2019 | Aspö bygdegård | Aspö bygdegård | Sweden | |
dockhem, ett, 20191012 | Ett dockhem | 20191012 | 12th October 2019 | Tystberga bygdegård | Tystberga bygdegård | Sweden | |
dockhem, ett, 20191013 | Ett dockhem | 20191013 | 13th October 2019 | Ludgo-Spelviks Bygdegård | Ludgo-Spelviks Bygdegård | Sweden | |
Doll's House, A, 20190906 | A Doll's House | 20190906 | 6th September 2019 | The Regent Theatre | The Regent Theatre | New Zealand | |
Doll's House, A, 20190910 | A Doll's House | 20190910 | 10th September 2019 | The Theatre Royal | The Theatre Royal | New Zealand | |
Doll's House, A, 20190805 | A Doll's House | 20190805 | 5th August 2019 | Circa Theatre | Circa Theatre | New Zealand | |
Doll's House, A, 20191025 | A Doll's House | 20191025 | 25th October 2019 | Vortex Repertory Theatre | Vortex Repertory Theatre | United States of America | |
Divlja patka, 19510316 | Divlja patka (The Wild Duck) | 19510316 | 16th March 1951 | Novi Sad | Novi Sad | Serbia | |
Divlja patka, 19060524 | Divlja patka (The Wild Duck) | 19060524 | 24th May 1906 | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu
(Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb) | Croatia | |
Divlja patka, 19040514 | Divlja patka (The Wild Duck) | 19040514 | 14th May 1904 | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu
(Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb) | Croatia | |
Divlja patka, 19890526 | Divlja patka (The Wild Duck) | 19890526 | 26th May 1989 | Narodno pozorište Sombor | Narodno pozorište Sombor
(Sombor National Theatre) | Serbia | |
Divlja patka, 19410215 | Divlja patka (The Wild Duck) | 19410215 | 15th February 1941 | Narodno pozorište Sarajevo | Narodno pozorište Sarajevo
(Sarajevo National Theater) | Bosnia and Herzegovina | |
Doll's House, A, 19570320 | Nora | 19570320 | 20th March 1957 | Makedonski, Naroden, Teatar | Makedonski Naroden Teatar
(Macedonian National Theatre) | Macedonia | |
Divata patica, 20181012 | Divata patica (The Wild Duck) | 20181012 | 12th October 2018 | Naroden teatar Ivan Vazov | Naroden teatar Ivan Vazov
(The Ivan Vazov National Theater) | Bulgaria | |
Dojmny Gel, 1995 | Dojmny Gel (An Enemy of the people / دوژمنی گەل) | 1995 | 1995 | Slemani performing Group (تیپی نواندنی سلێمانی) | تیپی نواندنی سلێمانی Slemani performing Group
(Typy nwandny Slemani) | Iraq | |
Doll's House, A (ماڵی بووکەشووشە), 19970327 | ماڵی بووکەشووشە (Mali bokeshoshe) | 19970327 | 27th March 1997 | Sulaymaniyah Institute of Fine Arts (پەیمانگای هونەرە جوانەکانی سلێمانی ) | پەیمانگای هونەرە جوانەکانی سلێمانی Sulaymaniyah Fine Arts Institute
(Paimangay hunere Jwanekany Slemani) | Iraq | |
Divlja patka, 19341110 | Divlja patka | 19341110 | 10th November 1934 | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Osijeku | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Osijeku
(Croatian National Theatre in Osijek) | Croatia | |
Doll's House, A, 20190901 | ماڵی بووکەشووشە (A Doll's House) (Mali bokeshoshe) | 20190901 | 1st September 2019 | Slemani Roshnbiry Hall | Slemani Roshnbiry Hall
(Holy Roshnbiry Slemani) | Iraq | |
Dojmny Gel, 2019 | Dojmny Gel (An Enemy of the people / دوژمنی گەل) | 2019 | 2019 | Erbil Institute of Fine Arts (پەیمانگای هونەرە جوانەکانی هەولێر ) | پەیمانگای هونەرە جوانەکانی هەولێر Erbil Institute of Fine Arts
(Paimangay hunere Jwanekani Hawler/ Erbil) | Iraq | |
Divlja patka, 19900522 | Divlja patka (The Wild Duck) | 19900522 | 22nd May 1990 | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Splitu | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Splitu
(Croatian National Theatre in Split) | Croatia | |
Divlja patka, 19261218 | Divlja patka (The Wild Duck) | 19261218 | 18th December 1926 | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Splitu | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Splitu
(Croatian National Theatre in Split) | Croatia | |
Doktor Štokman, 1906 | Doktor Štokman (Doctor Stockmann / Доктор Штокман) | 1906 | 1906 | Berliner Theater | Berliner Theater | Germany | |
Dikaja utka, 1901 | Dikaja utka (The Wild Duck) | 1901 | 1901 | Nizhny Novgorod | Nizhny Novgorod | Russia | |
Dikaâ utka, 1978 | Dikaâ utka (The Wild Duck / Дикая утка) | 1978 | 1978 | Moscow | Moscow | Russia | |
Doll's House, A, 20200217 | A Doll's House | 20200217 | 17th February 2020 | The DeLuxe Theater | The DeLuxe Theater | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 20200206 | A Doll's House | 20200206 | 6th February 2020 | Raven Theatre | Raven Theatre | United States of America | |
Dikaâ utka, 19021129 | Dikaâ utka (The Wild Duck / Дикая утка) | 19021129 | 29th November 1902 | Kherson | Kherson | Ukraine | |
Doktor Štokman, 19030116 | Doktor Štokman (Doctor Stockmann / Доктор Штокман) | 19030116 | 16th January 1903 | Kherson | Kherson | Ukraine | |
Doktor Štokman, 19040926 | Doktor Štokman (An Enemy of the People / Враг народа) | 19040926 | 26th September 1904 | Theatre of the Artistic Society | Theatre of the Artistic Society | Georgia | |
Džon Gabrièl' Borkman, 1982 | Džon Gabrièl' Borkman (John Gabriel Borkman / Джон Габриель Боркман) | 1982 | 1982 | Kaluga | Kaluga | Russia | |
Džon Gabrièl' Borkman, 1958 | Džon Gabrièl' Borkman (John Gabriel Borkman / Джон Габриель Боркман) | 1958 | 1958 | Moscow | Moscow | Russia | |
dama del mar (Lo que atrae y espanta al mismo tiempo), La, 20160628 | La dama del mar (Lo que atrae y espanta al mismo tiempo) (The Lady of the Sea (What attracts and fears at the same time)) | 20160628 | 28th June 2016 | Teatro Sarmiento | Teatro Sarmiento | Argentina | |
dama del mar, la, 19280328 | La dama del mar | 19280328 | 28th March 1928 | Teatro Eldorado | Teatro Eldorado | Spain | |
dama del mar, la, 19280525 | La dama del mar | 19280525 | 25th May 1928 | Teatro García Barbón | Teatro García Barbón | Spain | |
dama del mar, la, 19280608 | La dama del mar | 19280608 | 8th June 1928 | Teatro Rosalía de Castro | Teatro Rosalía de Castro | Spain | |
dama del mar, la, 19280702 | La dama del mar | 19280702 | 2nd July 1928 | Teatro Campoamor | Teatro Campoamor | Spain | |
dama del mar, la, 192806 | La dama del mar | 192806 | June
1928 | Teatro Jofre | Teatro Jofre | Spain | |
dama del mar, la, 19280715 | La dama del mar | 19280715 | 15th July 1928 | Teatro Jovellanos | Teatro Jovellanos | Spain | |
dama del mar, la, 19280829 | La dama del mar | 19280829 | 29th August 1928 | Teatro Victoria Eugenia | Teatro Victoria Eugenia | Spain | |