Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountry Resources
Hedda Gabler7th October 1969Munken kinoNorway 
Hedda Gabler8th October 1969DrammenNorway 
Hedda Gabler9th October 1969SamfunnshusetNorway 
Hedda Gabler10th October 1969Vormsund ungdomsskoleNorway 
Hedda Gabler11th October 1969KlubbenNorway 
Hedda Gabler13th October 1969Folkets HusNorway 
Hedda Gabler14th October 1969Fredrikshalds TheaterNorway 
Hedda Gabler15th October 1969ParkteatretNorway 
Hedda Gabler29th August 1967Trøndelag TeaterNorway2
Hedda Gabler22nd August 1966Den Nationale SceneNorway 
Historien om Peer Gynt19th June 2003Grenland FriteaterNorway 
Hedda Gabler18th September 1989Oslo Nye Teater (Centralteatret)Norway 
Hedda Gabler25th September 2010TeatermuseetNorway 
Hedda Gabler7th September 2015Sæterhytten på DronningbergetNorway 
Hedda Gabler24th September 2015Hadeland kultursalNorway 
Hedda Gabler27th September 2015Hamar KulturhusNorway 
Hedda Gabler30th September 2015Kulturhuset MilepelenNorway 
Hedda Gabler1st October 2015RådhusteatretNorway 
Hedda Gabler2nd October 2015Åmot KulturhusNorway 
Hedda Gabler3rd October 2015Tynset KulturhusNorway 
Hedda Gabler4th October 2015StorstuaNorway 
Hedda Gabler6th October 2015MaihaugsalenNorway 
Hedda Gabler8th October 2015Utgard fleirbrukshusNorway 
Hedda Gabler9th October 2015Otta kulturhusNorway 
Hedda Gabler10th October 2015Sentrum kinoNorway 
Hedda Gabler11th October 2015Vestre Toten KulturhusNorway 
Hedda Gabler13th October 2015Gjøvik KinoenNorway 
Hedda Gabler15th October 2015Kulturhuset FagernesNorway 
Hedda Gabler16th October 2015Søndre Land RådhusNorway 
Hedda Gabler17th October 2015Kulturhuset HagelundNorway 
Hedda Gabler18th October 2015RådhusteatretNorway 
Hedda Gabler20th October 2015Elverum kulturhusNorway 
Hedda Gabler21st October 2015Moelv kulturhusNorway 
Hedda Gabler22nd October 2015Hamar KulturhusNorway 
Heart of Lightness - Søvnløs i Lofoten30th May 2014Colosseum kinoNorway 
Hedda Go Lucky! Based on the play «Hedda Gabler» by Henrik Ibsen22nd August 2006Kulturkirken JakobNorway4
Hedda Gabler1st August 2008Otta kulturhusNorway1
Hedda Gabler3rd August 2008BankenNorway 
Hedda Gabler4th August 2008Teatret HamarNorway 
Hedda Gabler5th August 2008Teaterbåten MS InnvikNorway 
Hedda Gabler13th September 2016Sæterhytten på DronningbergetNorway 
Hedda Gabler16th September 2016Nationaltheatret TorshovteatretNorway