Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst Date Venue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Movers and shakers – Tangible channeling the existence of nature7th August 2011South KoreaSouth Korea 
Movers and shakers – Tangible channeling the existence of nature15th May 2011Osobnyak TheatreRussia 
The Master Builder23rd March 2011Steinbright StageUnited States of America 
Maison de Poupée16th March 2011Comédie Claude VolterBelgium 
Movers and shakers – Tangible channeling the existence of nature5th March 2011Costa RicaCosta Rica 
Maison de poupée1st February 2011Theatre Saint-MichelBelgium 
The Master Builder13th January 2011Wings TheatreUnited States of America 
Mareechika - An adaptation of The Lady From The Sea1st December 2010Kamani AuditoriumIndia 
Meistras Solnesas20th November 2010Lietuvos nacionalinis dramos teatrasLithuania 
Minshū no teki (An Enemy of the People / 民衆の敵)17th November 2010A uru su potto (Owl Spot)Japan 
The Master Builder12th November 2010Almeida TheatreEngland3
The Most Wonderful Thing of All7th October 2010Lusaka PlayhouseZambia 
The Master Builder9th September 2010Minerva TheatreEngland5
The Master Builder3rd September 2010Grand HébertotFrance 
Movers and shakers – Tangible channeling the existence of nature26th August 2010OsloNorway 
The Master Builder9th May 2010Clurman Theatre at Theatre RowUnited States of America 
Une Maison de poupées6th May 2010Athénée Théâtre Louis JouvetFrance 
Marikkatha Prethangal6th April 2010Lenin BalavadiIndia 
Une Maison de poupées22nd March 2010Comédie de Colmar - Centre dramatique national Grand Est AlsaceFrance 
Une maison de poupée10th March 2010Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers, Salle transformableFrance 
Une maison de poupée22nd February 2010La Comédie de ReimsFrance 
Maison de poupée16th February 2010Théâtre de la MadeleineFrance2
Une maison de poupée6th February 2010Théâtre National de BretagneFrance 
Une Maison de poupées3rd February 2010Forum de FlersFrance 
The Master Builder6th December 2009Little Theatre Group (LTG) AuditoriumIndia 
Metropolis3rd December 2009Kamani AuditoriumIndia 
Mahan Shilpi19th November 2009National Theatre Auditorium Shilpakala AcademyBangladesh 
Morghabi e Vahshi (The Wild Duck / مرغابی وحشی)18th November 2009National Theatre Auditorium Shilpakala AcademyBangladesh 
Une maison de poupée14th November 2009Grand ThéâtreFrance 
Mabou Mines Dollhouse6th November 2009Malaâ scena na Ordynke (Ordynka stage of Maly Theatre)Russia 
The Master Builder29th October 2009Telus Studio Theatre, Chan Centre for the Performing ArtsCanada 
Une Maison de poupées20th October 2009Le FestinFrance 
Meistras Solnesas16th October 2009Lietuvos nacionalinis dramos teatrasLithuania 
建筑大师 (The Master Builder) (Jianzhu Dashi)14th October 2009Ke Center for Contemporary ArtsChina 
Une Maison de poupées13th October 2009Le Moulin du RocFrance 
The Master Builder18th September 2009Yale Repertory Theatre, University TheatreUnited States of America 
Mały Eyolf20th June 2009Grusomhetens Teater (Hausmania)Norway 
Mabou Mines Dollhouse18th March 2009FranceFrance 
Meistras Solnesas7th March 2009Lietuvos nacionalinis dramos teatrasLithuania4
Mabou Mines Dollhouse12th February 2009St. Ann's WarehouseUnited States of America 
Mrs Affleck - by Samuel Adamson from Henrik Ibsen’s Little Eyolf20th January 2009Cottesloe TheatreEngland4
Mały Eyolf16th January 2009Teatr NowyPoland 
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