Beit Bubot, 20241027 | Beit Bubot (A Doll's House / בית בובות) | 20241027 | 27th October 2024 | Te'atron HaBima | Te'atron HaBima
(Habima - National Theatre of Israel) | Israel | 2 |
Bayt al-Dumya, 20241010 | Bayt al-Dumya (The Doll's House / بيت الدمية) | 20241010 | 10th October 2024 | Masrah Al-Falaki | Masrah Al-Falaki
(Al-Falaki Theater) | Egypt | |
Brand, 20240820 | Brand | 20240820 | 20th August 2024 | Fjæreheia | Fjæreheia | Norway | 1 |
Bir Halk Düşmanı, 20240404 | Bir Halk Düşmanı | 20240404 | 4th April 2024 | Bergama Kültür Merkezi | Bergama Kültür Merkezi | Turkey | |
Borkman, Les, 20240117 | Les Borkman | 20240117 | 17th January 2024 | Théâtre Varia | Théâtre Varia | Belgium | |
Bir Halk Düşmanı, 20240115 | Bir Halk Düşmanı | 20240115 | 15th January 2024 | Vehbi Koç Kongre Merkezi | Vehbi Koç Kongre Merkezi | Turkey | |
Bir Halk Düşmanı, 20231130 | Bir Halk Düşmanı | 20231130 | 30th November 2023 | Ataköy Yunus Emre Kültür Merkezi Müşfik Kenter Sahnesi | Ataköy Yunus Emre Kültür Merkezi Müşfik Kenter Sahnesi | Turkey | |
Bir Halk Düşmanı, 20231123 | Bir Halk Düşmanı | 20231123 | 23rd November 2023 | KKM Gönül Ülkü ve Gazanfer Özcan Sahnesi | KKM Gönül Ülkü ve Gazanfer Özcan Sahnesi | Turkey | |
Bir Halk Düşmanı, 20231119 | Bir Halk Düşmanı | 20231119 | 19th November 2023 | Mall of İstanbul MOİ Sahne | Mall of İstanbul MOİ Sahne | Turkey | |
Bir Halk Düşmanı, 20231118 | Bir Halk Düşmanı | 20231118 | 18th November 2023 | Beylikdüzü Atatürk Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi (BAKSM) | Beylikdüzü Atatürk Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi (BAKSM) | Turkey | |
Bir Halk Düşmanı, 20231114 | Bir Halk Düşmanı | 20231114 | 14th November 2023 | Narlıdere AKM | Narlıdere AKM | Turkey | |
Bir Halk Düşmanı, 20231110 | Bir Halk Düşmanı | 20231110 | 10th November 2023 | Trump Kültür Ve Gösteri Merkezi | Trump Kültür Ve Gösteri Merkezi | Turkey | |
Bir Halk Düşmanı, 20231108 | Bir Halk Düşmanı | 20231108 | 8th November 2023 | Caddebostan Cultural Center (CKM) | Caddebostan Cultural Center (CKM) | Turkey | |
Bir Halk Düşmanı, 20231016 | Bir Halk Düşmanı | 20231016 | 16th October 2023 | Adana Büyükşehir Belediyesi Tiyatro Salonu | Adana Büyükşehir Belediyesi Tiyatro Salonu (Adana Metropolitan Municipality Theater Hall)
(Haci Omer Culture Center Theatre Stage) | Turkey | |
Byggemester Solness, 20230909 | Byggemester Solness | 20230909 | 9th September 2023 | Norske Teatret, Det | Det Norske Teatret | Norway | 3 |
Bir Halk Düşmanı, 20230406 | Bir Halk Düşmanı | 20230406 | 6th April 2023 | Muhsin Ertugrul Sahnesi | Muhsin Ertugrul Sahnesi | Turkey | |
Bir Halk Düşmanı, 20230405 | Bir Halk Düşmanı | 20230405 | 5th April 2023 | Torbalı Belediyesi Kültür Merkezi | Torbalı Belediyesi Kültür Merkezi | Turkey | |
Borkmann, I, 20221018 | I Borkmann | 20221018 | 18th October 2022 | Teatro Spazio 47 | Teatro Spazio 47 | Italy | |
Ballad of Little Wolf, The, 20220529 | The Ballad of Little Wolf | 20220529 | 29th May 2022 | Parkteatret | Parkteatret | Norway | |
Brand, 20201220 | Brand | 20201220 | 20th December 2020 | Chiesa di Santo Stefano in Borzoli | Chiesa di Santo Stefano in Borzoli | Italy | 2 |
Bøygen, 20200808 | Bøygen | 20200808 | 8th August 2020 | Friluftsscenen ved Gålåvatnet | Friluftsscenen ved Gålåvatnet | Norway | |
Babaház (Nora), 20200107 | Babaház (Nora) | 20200107 | 7th January 2020 | Stúdió K Színház | Stúdió K Színház | Hungary | |
Babaház (Nora), 20191222 | Babaház (Nora) | 20191222 | 22nd December 2019 | Stúdió K Színház | Stúdió K Színház | Hungary | |
Brand, 20191012 | Brand | 20191012 | 12th October 2019 | Schauspielhaus Frankfurt | Schauspielhaus Frankfurt | Germany | |
BHOOTHAGALU, 20190118 | BHOOTHAGALU | 20190118 | 18th January 2019 | Kh Kala Soudha | Kh Kala Soudha | India | |
Baumeister Solness, 20181124 | Baumeister Solness | 20181124 | 24th November 2018 | Markt, Theater am | Theater am Markt | Germany | |
Byggmester Solness, 20180915 | Byggmester Solness | 20180915 | 15th September 2018 | Trøndelag Teater | Trøndelag Teater | Norway | 1 |
Byggmester Solness, 20180908 | Byggmester Solness | 20180908 | 8th September 2018 | Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen | Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen | Norway | 1 |
Big I Am, The, 20180616 | The Big I Am | 20180616 | 16th June 2018 | Everyman Theatre | Everyman Theatre | England | |
Baumeister Solness, 20180329 | Baumeister Solness | 20180329 | 29th March 2018 | Deutsches Schauspielhaus | Deutsches Schauspielhaus | Germany | |
Brand, 20180217 | Brand | 20180217 | 17th February 2018 | Nord-Ouest, Théâtre du | Théâtre du Nord-Ouest | France | |
Brand, 20180209 | Brand | 20180209 | 9th February 2018 | Oslo Domkirke | Oslo Domkirke | Norway | |
Brand, 20180206 | Brand | 20180206 | 6th February 2018 | Tønsberg domkirke | Tønsberg domkirke | Norway | |
Brand, 20180205 | Brand | 20180205 | 5th February 2018 | Sandefjord kirke | Sandefjord kirke | Norway | |
Brand, 20180203 | Brand | 20180203 | 3rd February 2018 | Bamble kirke | Bamble kirke | Norway | |
Brand, 20180202 | Brand | 20180202 | 2nd February 2018 | Borgestad kirke | Borgestad kirke | Norway | |
Brand, 20180201 | Brand | 20180201 | 1st February 2018 | Brevik kirke | Brevik kirke | Norway | |
Brand, 20180131 | Brand | 20180131 | 31st January 2018 | Vestre Porsgrunn kirke | Vestre Porsgrunn kirke | Norway | |
Brand, 20180127 | Brand | 20180127 | 27th January 2018 | Skien kirke | Skien kirke | Norway | |
Brand, 20180127 | Brand | 20180127 | 27th January 2018 | Skien kirke | Skien kirke | Norway | |
Baumeister Solness, 20170701 | Baumeister Solness | 20170701 | 1st July 2017 | Theater Reichenau | Theater Reichenau | Austria | |
Beata, 20170426 | Beata | 20170426 | 26th April 2017 | Iran | Iran | Iran | |