Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenue CountryResources
Enas echthros tou laou (An Enemy of the People / Ο εχθρός του λαού)16th December 1966Etaireia Makedonikon Spoudon (Society of Makedonian Studies)Greece 
Enas echthros tou laou (An Enemy of the People / Ο εχθρός του λαού)10th November 1965Etaireia Makedonikon Spoudon (Society of Makedonian Studies)Greece 
Un enemic del poble9th September 2005Espai Illes Balears. Fira de Teatre al CarrerSpain3
Un Ennemi du peuple26th July 2019Espace François MitterrandFrance 
Un enemigo del pueblo25th April 2006Escuela de Arte DramáticoSpain 
Un Enemigo del Pueblo19th June 2020EscenixChile 
An Enemy of the People9th February 1968Equity TheatreUnited States of America 
Ennemi public23rd March 2011Equinoxe - Scène Nationale de ChâteaurouxFrance 
O mikros Eyolf (Little Eyolf / Ο μικρός Εγιόλφ)9th January 1978EPT Tileoptikó kanáli (ERT TV-Channel)Greece 
Enas echthros tou laou (An Enemy of the People / Ο εχθρός του λαού)27th March 1990EPT A’ Programma RadioGreece 
An Enemy of the People7th December 1968Ensemble TheatreAustralia 
An Enemy of the People20th March 1957EnglandEngland 
An Enemy of the People2nd February 1980EnglandEngland 
An Enemy of the People17th January 1961EnglandEngland 
An Enemy of the People3rd December 1950EnglandEngland 
An Enemy of the People22nd February 1991Emlyn Williams TheatreWales 
An Enemy of People13th March 2010Emelin TheatreUnited States of America 
An Enemy of the People1st October 1934Embassy TheatreEngland 
Enta Gkampler3rd January 1940Elliniki Leschi IsmailiasEgypt 
An Enemy of the People20th April 1995Elizabeth Walsingham Kelsey TheaterUnited States of America 
Un Ennemi du PeupleSeptember 2007ElancourtFrance 
Un enemigo del pueblo17th September 1961El GalpónUruguay 
Espectros26th September 1997El CentroUruguay 
Enas echthros tou laou (An Enemy of the People / Ο εχθρός του λαού)12th September 1962EIR Ethnikon Programma RadioGreece 
Enta Gkampler (Hedda Gabler / Έντα Γκάμπλερ)17th March 1972EIPT Radio (EIRT (National Television Broadcasting Corporation))Greece 
An Enemy of the People25th October 2024EFSC Cocoa CampusUnited States of America 
An Enemy of People13th February 2010Edison Theatre, Washington UniversityUnited States of America 
The Enemy27th October 2021Eden CourtScotland 
An Enemy of the People4th March 1965E. Turner Stump TheatreUnited States of America 
The Enemy12th October 2021Dundee Rep TheatreScotland 
An Enemy of the People6th February 2024Duke of York's TheatreEngland1
An Enemy of the People23rd May 2013Dublin Gate Theatre (Gate Theatre)Ireland 
An Enemy of the People13th October 1965Drama Theatre, Franklin S. Harris Fine Arts CenterUnited States of America 
An Enemy Of The People31st July 2004Dr. Paul Carlson Memorial ParkUnited States of America 
An Enemy of the People10th November 2006Downtown Bremerton LibraryUnited States of America 
Eyolfek3rd March 1995Divadlo v ŘeznickéCzech Republic 
Eyolfek23rd February 2013Divadlo v DlouhéCzech Republic 
Eyolfek7th June 2013Divadlo Petra BezručeCzech Republic 
Enas echthros tou laou (An Enemy of the People / Ο εχθρός του λαού)5th May 1999Dimotiko Theatro StavroupolisGreece 
Enas echthros tou laou (An Enemy of the People / Ο εχθρός του λαού)30th October 1981Dimotiko Theatro Lamias (Municipal Theater of Lamia)Greece 
Edda Gkampler (Hedda Gabler / Έντα Γκάμπλερ))23rd January 1899Dimotiko Theatro Athinon (Municipal Theater of Athens)Greece 
Enas echthros tou laou (An Enemy of the People / Ο εχθρός του λαού)24th January 1902Dimotiko Theatro Athinon (Municipal Theater of Athens)Greece