Event An Enemy of the People
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VenueE. Turner Stump Theatre, Theatre Drive, Kent, United States Of America
First Date4th March 1965
Last Date13th March 1965
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.net
479612Atwood, JamesJames Atwood379ActorDr. Thomas Stockmann
479623Bernardi, FrankFrank Bernardi379ActorOther roles
479624Bowles, DanDan Bowles379ActorOther roles
428294Brittain, MichaelMichael Brittain379ActorEjlif
479621Brizzi, Jack, L.Jack L. Brizzi379ActorAslaksen
479615Cowperthwaite, JosephJoseph Cowperthwaite379ActorMorten
479625Crow, JimJim Crow379ActorOther roles
479620Evans, Richard, D.Richard D. Evans379ActorCaptain Horster
479626Holtzapple, LanaLana Holtzapple379ActorOther roles
479618Howey, William, D.William D. Howey379ActorHovstad
479627Keiser, AnnAnn Keiser379ActorOther roles
479628Lindsey, ShirleyShirley Lindsey379ActorOther roles
479622Owens, James, D.James D. Owens379Actora drunk man
479629Phythyon, JudiJudi Phythyon379ActorParticipant at public meeting
479616Robb, PhillipPhillip Robb379ActorPeter Stockmann
479613Skogland, KristineKristine Skogland379ActorMrs. Katherine Stockmann
479630Stironek, DavidDavid Stironek379ActorOther roles
479619Stuehr, JohnJohn Stuehr379ActorBilling
479614Williams, Diane, K.Diane K. Williams379ActorPetra
479617Wonderly, Donald, M.Donald M. Wonderly379ActorMorten Kiil
455853Miller, ArthurArthur Miller389Adaptation
479611Ramsey, DorisDoris Ramsey387Costume Designer
479610Erdmann, Louis, O.Louis O. Erdmann376Designer
436403Zucchero, William H.William H. Zucchero375Director
479610Erdmann, Louis, O.Louis O. Erdmann380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Production NationalityUnited States of America
Performance languageEnglish
Further Information6 Performances / The women's costumes were designed by Doris Ramsey
Event Identifier89088
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