Peer Gynt, 20090509 | Peer Gynt ( / 페르 귄트) | 20090509 | 9th May 2009 | LG Ateuseenteo Seoul | LG Ateuseenteo Seoul
(LG Arts Center) | South Korea | 5 |
Peer Gynt, 20121011 | Peer Gynt ( / 페르 귄트) | 20121011 | 11th October 2012 | LG Ateuseenteo Seoul | LG Ateuseenteo Seoul
(LG Arts Center) | South Korea | |
Pophuis, Die, 19850307 | Die Pophuis | 19850307 | 7th March 1985 | Pretoria | Pretoria | South Africa | |
Peer Gynt, 19911018 | Peer Gynt | 19911018 | 18th October 1991 | SNG Drama Ljubljana | SNG Drama Ljubljana | Slovenia | |
Peer Gynt, 20090515 | Peer Gynt | 20090515 | 15th May 2009 | Narodno gledališče Maribor | Narodno gledališče Maribor | Slovenia | 4 |
Peer Gynt, 20170122 | Peer Gynt | 20170122 | 22nd January 2017 | Slovensko narodno gledališče Maribor | Slovensko narodno gledališče Maribor | Slovenia | |
Peer Gynt, 20151008 | Peer Gynt | 20151008 | 8th October 2015 | Mestno gledališče ljubljansko | Mestno gledališče ljubljansko | Slovenia | |
Peer Gynt, 19790518 | Peer Gynt | 19790518 | 18th May 1979 | Divadlo P. O. Hviezdoslava | Divadlo P. O. Hviezdoslava | Slovak Republic | |
Pani z mora, 19830325 | Pani z mora | 19830325 | 25th March 1983 | Slovenské národné divadlo | Slovenské národné divadlo | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 19831217 | Peer Gynt I - Peer Gynt II | 19831217 | 17th December 1983 | | Štátne divadlo Košice (Malá Scéna) | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 19970622 | Peer Gynt | 19970622 | 22nd June 1997 | Divadlo P. O. Hviezdoslava | Divadlo P. O. Hviezdoslava | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 192207 | Peer Gynt | 192207 | July
1922 | Prešov | Prešov | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 192610 | Peer Gynt | 192610 | October
1926 | Košice | Košice | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 19261119 | Peer Gynt | 19261119 | 19th November 1926 | Komárno | Komárno | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 19270115 | Peer Gynt | 19270115 | 15th January 1927 | Rimavská Sobota | Rimavská Sobota | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 19270218 | Peer Gynt | 19270218 | 18th February 1927 | Lučenec | Lučenec | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 19270311 | Peer Gynt | 19270311 | 11th March 1927 | Levice | Levice | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 19270414 | Peer Gynt | 19270414 | 14th April 1927 | Košice | Košice | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 19270527 | Peer Gynt | 19270527 | 27th May 1927 | Bratislava | Bratislava | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 19371009 | Peer Gynt | 19371009 | 9th October 1937 | Nové Zámky | Nové Zámky | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 193801 | Peer Gynt | 193801 | January
1938 | Komárno | Komárno | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 19380227 | Peer Gynt | 19380227 | 27th February 1938 | Dunajská Streda | Dunajská Streda | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 19380506 | Peer Gynt | 19380506 | 6th May 1938 | Levice | Levice | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 19400123 | Peer Gynt | 19400123 | 23rd January 1940 | Košice | Košice | Slovak Republic | |
Pani z mora, 20110617 | Pani z mora | 20110617 | 17th June 2011 | Staromestský klub 10x10 | Staromestský klub 10x10 | Slovak Republic | |
Peer Gynt, 20100923 | Peer Gynt | 20100923 | 23rd September 2010 | Flexible Performance Space | Flexible Performance Space | Singapore | |
Pohod na sever, 19020921 | Pohod na sever | 19020921 | 21st September 1902 | Narodno pozorište u Beogradu | Narodno pozorište u Beogradu
(The National Theatre in Belgrade) | Serbia | |
Peer Gynt, 1978 | Peer Gynt | 1978 | 1978 | Bitef teatar | Bitef teatar | Serbia | |
Per Gint, 19820608 | Per Gint | 19820608 | 8th June 1982 | Narodno pozorište u Beogradu | Narodno pozorište u Beogradu
(The National Theatre in Belgrade) | Serbia | |
Peer Gynt, 19671222 | Peer Gynt | 19671222 | 22nd December 1967 | Radio Revija | Radio Revija | Serbia | |
Pohod na sever, 19560221 | Pohod na sever | 19560221 | 21st February 1956 | Narodno pozorište u Nišu | Narodno pozorište u Nišu | Serbia | |
Per Gint, 20000523 | Per Gint | 20000523 | 23rd May 2000 | Narodno pozorište Užice | Narodno pozorište Užice | Serbia | |
Pohod na sever, 19030513 | Pohod na sever (Foray into North) | 19030513 | 13th May 1903 | Bela Crkva | Bela Crkva | Serbia | |
Per Gint, 20130608 | Per Gint | 20130608 | 8th June 2013 | Narodno pozorište u Beogradu | Narodno pozorište u Beogradu
(The National Theatre in Belgrade) | Serbia | |
Peer Gynt, 20040822 | Peer Gynt | 20040822 | 22nd August 2004 | Royal Lyceum Theatre | Royal Lyceum Theatre | Scotland | |
Peer Gynt, 20040527 | Peer Gynt | 20040527 | 27th May 2004 | Brunton Theatre | Brunton Theatre | Scotland | 3 |
Peer Gynt, 20040602 | Peer Gynt | 20040602 | 2nd June 2004 | North Edinburgh Arts Centre | North Edinburgh Arts Centre | Scotland | |
Peer Gynt, 20040611 | Peer Gynt | 20040611 | 11th June 2004 | The Lemon Tree | The Lemon Tree | Scotland | |
Peer Gynt, 20040617 | Peer Gynt | 20040617 | 17th June 2004 | Tron Theatre | Tron Theatre | Scotland | |
Peer Gynt, 20040624 | Peer Gynt | 20040624 | 24th June 2004 | Garrison Theatre | Garrison Theatre | Scotland | |
Peer Gynt, 20070924 | Peer Gynt | 20070924 | 24th September 2007 | Dundee Rep Theatre | Dundee Rep Theatre | Scotland | |
Peer Gynt, 20090526 | Peer Gynt | 20090526 | 26th May 2009 | Dundee Rep Theatre | Dundee Rep Theatre | Scotland | |