IbsenStage welcomes contributions from all users - from artists, spectators, producers, agents, students, teachers, researchers, librarians, archivists and the public.
Most productions where Ibsen is listed as playwright, belong in IbsenStage.
There are several ways to contribute to keep the data in IbsenStage correct and up to date.
- Browse, search and send feedback. Search for yourself or for a person, organisation or venue you know. Look over the records and contribute information to IbsenStage by sending feedback to our contact-mail. When we receive your feedback, we will review the record and make appropriate changes. We will let you know when the record is ready to view.
- Send us information on new or missing Ibsen-performances using our information form (download here). Fill out the empty fields in the document and send it to our contact mail.
- Register and learn how to add information to IbsenStage by following our manual for entering data.
- Contact us if you have a query or request about information in IbsenStage. We are able to conduct complex searches on request, undertake detailed analysis and generate reports on the results. We also welcome your suggestions for enhancing the information in IbsenStage and improving how the database works.
Please include your name and contact details with your contribution. We respect the privacy of personal information. Contributions are reviewed for relevance and accuracy before they are added to IbsenStage.