Event Inn i Peer Gynts rike
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DescriptionPremiered June 6 2006 at Hamar Rådhus. / Tour: / 9 May 2007, Fri Figur. / 2011: Reopening (in English as "Into the Kingdom of Peer Gynt"). Exact dates and venues unknown. / 12 November 2012, Teaterkjelleren, DNS (scenic art expo norway, Mini Midi Maxi). / Also performed at Hamar teater, invited to festivals in Oslo, Kristiansand, Molde, Kraków, St Petersburg, Murmansk and Northeim. Dates unknown.
VenueDen Nationale Scene, Engen 1, Bergen, Norway
First Date12th November 2012
Opening Night6th June 2006
Primary GenreMusic Theatre
Secondary Genre
    • Concert
    • Drama
513212Høie, KarenKaren Høie379Actor
513240Kraft, MartineMartine Kraft379ActorMusician
513243Nygaard, Nils JørgenNils Jørgen Nygaard379Actor
513212Høie, KarenKaren Høie389Adaptation
513240Kraft, MartineMartine Kraft388Composer
513241Jevnaker, OlaOla Jevnaker387Costume Designer
513239Gundersen, SveinSvein Gundersen376Designer
513239Gundersen, SveinSvein Gundersen375Director
513239Gundersen, SveinSvein Gundersen383Dramaturg
513242Sørlundsengen, TrondTrond Sørlundsengen380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
513212Høie, KarenKaren Høie384Producer
513244Høie, Helga MetaHelga Meta Høie394Puppet Designer
Première in a TourYes
Tour Première
Other Events in Tour
97672Inn i Peer Gynts rikeInn i Peer Gynts rike13541OsloOslo2007-05-09
97673Inn i Peer Gynts rikeInn i Peer Gynts rike11623Nationale Scene, DenDen Nationale Scene2012-11-12
Production NationalityNorway
Performance languageEnglish, Norwegian
Further InformationConcert theatre. / This event builds on the myths about our national hero Peer Gynt, the same mythical material which is the foundation for Ibsen’s famous play, and the music is composed for the Norwegian national instrument the Hardanger fiddle. The audience meets Peer on the back of the buck in meeting with the mountain girls, hulder, the Bøyg and trolls. In 2011 the production, with the Norwegian title Inn i Peer Gynts rike, developed, and staged in an English-language version titled Into the Kingdom of Peer Gynt. / In Into the Kingdom of Peer Gynt the company Kulturproduksjoner plays with poetry, rhythm and sound, taking use of image displays and shadow plays during the process. Myths and song, music and images are narrative effects on equal footing in their story. / Into the Kingdom of Peer Gynt is second part of the concert theatre trilogy made by Kulturproduksjoner in collaboration with composer and musician Martine Lund Hoel. / The production was supported by The Cultural Rucksack in Hedmark, the county of Hedmark, The Fund for Performing Artists, plus the county of Møre og Romsdal through participation in the production workshop Prøvekluten. / / Press reviews: / - Andreas Hv. Berg, 07.06.2006, Hamar Arbeiderblad [Hamar]: / "Through the use of self-composed music and text based on the myths of the naughty, day-dreaming national hero, Martine Lund Hoel and Karen Høie managed turning the city hall to fairytale land when they had the world wide premiere of Into the Kingdom of Peer Gynt on Wednesday. The magical, powerful salvos from the Hardanger fiddle of Hoel were visualised through puppetry, shadow images and poetry. A multimedia joy and a combination spellbinding and lifting the experience of Peer Gynt the way the sisters of art expressions are supposed to enhance each other. National-romantic playfulness, songs and short poems worked perfectly together with video clips, shadow play and acting." / / - Hilde Berit Evensen, 08.06.2006, Hamar Dagblad [Hamar]: / "Two women onstage managed to conjure a raw, reckless and horny national hero in meeting with hulders and the Bøyg in the old city conference hall during the world wide premiere of Into the Kingdom of Peer Gynt. Martine Lund Hoel has a nerve bordering the magical in musical narration, Karen Høie has the power of the word and a clear body language." / / Length: 45 minutes. Production aimed at children and youths.
Event Identifier97673
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