Event Paročka poderžannyh idealov (A couple of cast-off ideals / Парочка подержанных идеалов)
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DescriptionKapelûš's scenography engages with themes of sea and mountains, in a way that corresponds to Ibsen's "Rosmersholm" – the atmosphere is one of cold isolation, where even the hottest spirits cool down. These fantasies are realized in geometrical forms – mountains, rocks, and cliffs are transformed into parallelepipeds. Towering to the full height of the scene are "columns-mountains". The characters in the play move them about, thereby changing the space, finding themselves in a kind of cathedral of mountains, air, and sea. The performance takes its name from a Russian translation of a line by Brendel in Ibsen's play. English translation: Ibsen, Henrik. 2019. "Rosmersholm", translated by Deborah Dawkin and Erik Skuggevik. In Hedda Gabler and Other Plays, edited by Tore Rem. London: Penguin Books.
VenueBolshoi Drama Theater (Bol'šoj Dramatičeskij Teatr), Fontanka Embankment, 65, St. Petersburg, Russia
First Date20th April 2008
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
StillImage: PhotographLink to Resource
StillImage: PhotographLink to Resource
492049Barabanov, R., V.R. V. Barabanov379ActorJohannes Rosmer
492050Družina, D., V.D. V. Družina379ActorRebecca West
492051Falileev, A., A.A. A. Falileev379ActorKroll
492053Lavrov, F., N.F. N. Lavrov379ActorPeter Mortensgaard
492052Losev, S., V.S. V. Losev379ActorUlrik Brendel
492054Perceva, E., E.E. E. Perceva379ActorMrs. Helseth
492048Chasanov, A., A.A. A. Chasanov385Choreographer
492046Smoljar, R., S.R. S. Smoljar388Composer
492020Orlova, Elena, Ju.Elena Ju. Orlova387Costume Designer
427315Kapeljus, Emil BorosovichEmil Borosovich Kapeljus376Designer
492018Ditjatkovskij, G., I.G. I. Ditjatkovskij375Director
492045Vlasov, V., A.V. A. Vlasov380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
492047Izotov, G., V.G. V. Izotov381Sound Designer
427033Hansen, AA. Hansen378Translator
427034Hansen, PP. Hansen378Translator
Production NationalityRussia
Performance languageRussian
Event Identifier92193
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