Event Protomastoras Solnes (The Master Builder / Αρχιμάστορας Σόλνες)
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Description5 April – 21 May 1989 / 13 January – 13 May 1990 / 9 November – 30 December 1990
VenueTheatro Viktoria (Victoria Theatre / Θέατρο Βικτώρια), Athens, Greece
First Date5th April 1989
Opening Night5th April 1989
Last Date30th December 1990
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: ibsen.nb
471517Angelou, ChristosChristos Angelou379ActorKnut Brovik
471517Angelou, ChristosChristos Angelou379ActorDr. Herdal
471519Chaïkalis, ChristosChristos Chaïkalis379ActorRagnar Brovik
471516Chatzakou, VantaVanta Chatzakou379ActorHilde Wangel
471515Gkotsi, MairiMairi Gkotsi379ActorMrs. Aline Solness
471518Katsimichas, GiannisGiannis Katsimichas379ActorRagnar Brovik
471520Polychronidou, DespoinaDespoina Polychronidou379ActorKaja Fosli
471514Theiakos, GiannisGiannis Theiakos379ActorHalvard Solness
471524Georgiadou, SofiaSofia Georgiadou388ComposerMusic supervisor
471522Papadopoulos, KostisKostis Papadopoulos387Costume Designer
471522Papadopoulos, KostisKostis Papadopoulos376Designer
471517Angelou, ChristosChristos Angelou375Director
471521Gavriil, GiannisGiannis Gavriil375Director
471523Vardalakos, MatthaiosMatthaios Vardalakos380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
430805Koukoulas, LeonLeon Koukoulas378Translator
Production NationalityGreece
Performance languageModern Greek
Further InformationSource: Giannis Moschos, Henrik Ibsen on the Greek stage. From the first performance to the end of the 20 th century (1894-2000) , PhD thesis, School of Drama, Faculty of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki 2012, Vol. II, pp. 44-45.
Event Identifier86701
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