Event |
Kobieta z morza - Susan Sontag na podstawie sztuki Henryka Ibsena |
Description | Performance dates: / 28 October 2005 - 9 April 2006. / 14 November 2006 - 21 March 2007. / Tour: / 21.-22.01.2006: Festival de Teatro de Málaga (Teatro Cervantes), Málaga. / 28.-29.08.2006: Ibsenfestivalen (Nationaltheatret), Oslo. |
Venue | Teatr Dramatyczny, Plac Defilad 1, Warsaw, Poland |
Umbrella Event | IF |
First Date | 28th October 2005 |
Opening Night | 28th October 2005 |
Last Date | 9th April 2006 |
Status | Professional |
Primary Genre | Theatre |
Secondary Genre | |
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Contributors | 457233 | Dereszowska, Anna | Anna Dereszowska | 379 | Actor | Mrs. Ellida Wangel | | 457233 | Dereszowska, Anna | Anna Dereszowska | 379 | Actor | Bolette Wangel | | 457237 | Dracz, Krzysztof | Krzysztof Dracz | 379 | Actor | A stranger | | 457235 | Kluźniak, Dominika | Dominika Kluźniak | 379 | Actor | Hilde Wangel | | 427132 | Kowalski, Władysław | Władysław Kowalski | 379 | Actor | Dr. Wangel | Hartwig Wangel | 457232 | Niebudek, Henryk | Henryk Niebudek | 379 | Actor | Dr. Wangel | Hartwig Wangel | 457234 | Ostałowska, Dominika | Dominika Ostałowska | 379 | Actor | Bolette Wangel | | 457236 | Reczek, Miłogost | Miłogost Reczek | 379 | Actor | Arnholm | | 433431 | Stenka, Danuta | Danuta Stenka | 379 | Actor | Mrs. Ellida Wangel | | 457231 | Sontag, Susan | Susan Sontag | 389 | Adaptation | | | 457229 | Kavallieratos, Marianna | Marianna Kavallieratos | 385 | Choreographer | | | 452398 | Galasso, Michael | Michael Galasso | 388 | Composer | | | 457226 | Armani, Giorgio | Giorgio Armani | 387 | Costume Designer | | | 452395 | Wilson, Robert | Robert Wilson | 376 | Designer | | | 452395 | Wilson, Robert | Robert Wilson | 375 | Director | | | 457227 | Weissbard, A. J. | A. J. Weissbard | 380 | Lighting Designer | | | 452395 | Wilson, Robert | Robert Wilson | 380 | Lighting Designer | | | 426902 | Ibsen, Henrik | Henrik Ibsen | 386 | Playwright | | | 457228 | Cerone, Peter | Peter Cerone | 381 | Sound Designer | | | 457230 | Anders, Jarosław | Jarosław Anders | 378 | Translator | | |
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Production Nationality | Poland |
Performance language | Polish |
Further Information | Performed in the Scena Duza. / Idea: Robert Wilson. / Produced by Teatr Dramatyczny m st. Warszawy in collaboration with Change Performing Arts, Milan. / The world premiere of Susan Sontag´s adaptation took place at Teatro Comunale di Ferrara on 5 May 1998 (also directed by Robert Wilson). |
Event Identifier | 84287 |
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