Name_SORTName AddressFirstDate_SORTLastDate_SORTEvent DatesEventsResources
Tertulia MartinenseSpain, Barcelona19041 
Tese dei SoppalchiItaly, Venezia20181 
Tĕšínské divadlo Scena polskaCzech Republic, Český Těšín, Ostravská 671988–20163 
testUnited States of America   
Tetsudokai AuditoriumJapan, Tokyo19211 
textmarkerGermany, Berlin, Kopenhagener Straße 16, Prenzlauer Berg20031 
Tezpur UniversityIndia, Tejpur, Napaam20071 
TF - 1 (Télévision Française 1)France19781 
ThaleGermany, Thale20111 
Thalia in der GaußstraßeGermany, Hamburg, Gaußstraße 19020081 
Thália SzínházSlovak Republic, Košice, Mojmírova 1.19821 
Thália SzínházHungary, Budapest, Nagymező utca 22-24.2005–20124 
Thália TársaságHungary, Budapest19061 
Thalia Theater - AlstertorGermany, Hamburg, Alstertor 120211 
Thalia-TheaterGermany, Hamburg, Raboisen 671878–201891 
Thalia-TheaterGermany, Halle, Geiststrasse 42a18983 
Thalia-Theater BreslauPoland, Breslau/Wrocław1881–19285 
Thalia-Theater LeipzigGermany, Leipzig, Elsterstraße18972 
Thatcher Opera HouseUnited States of America, Logan19051 
The 73rd Avenue PlayhouseUnited States of America, Westminster, 7287 Lowell Blvd20091 
The AcademyUnited States of America, Raleigh1905–19092 
The AcademyUnited States of America, Reading19051 
The Andrews TheatreUnited States of America, Buffalo, 625 Main St20091 
The Arena Studio TheatreEngland, Wolverhampton, Wulfruna Street1985–20112 
The Artillery Lane PlayersUnited States of America, St. Augustine19481 
The Artistic Home TheatreUnited States of America, Chicago, 1376 W Grand Ave20041 
The AuditoriumUnited States of America, Newark, 22 N. Second Street19261 
The AuditoriumUnited States of America, The High Point19131 
The AuditoriumUnited States of America, Winston-Salem1905–19092 
The AuditoriumUnited States of America, Houston19081 
The Berwyn PlayhouseUnited States of America, Berwyn, Philadelphia19491 
The BijouUnited States of America, Atlanta   
The Black SwanUnited States of America, Ashland, Corner of E Main And Pioneer St19991 
The Blue Room Theatre - StudioAustralia, Northbridge, Arts House, 51 - 53 James Street20131 
The BLUE TheaterUnited States of America, Austin, 916 Springdale Rd20111 
The BoilerUnited States of America20231 
The BrandelsUnited States of America, Omaha19101 
The Broadwater, Main stageUnited States of America20231 
The Brook TheatreEngland, Chatham, 5 The Brook20051 
The Cambridge TheatreEngland, Cambridge, 6 St Edward's Passage   
The CivicEngland, Barnsley, Hanson St20111 
The Civic Theatre at Dobbs FerryUnited States of America, Dobbs Ferry19371