Name_SORTName AddressFirstDate_SORTLastDate_SORTEvent DatesEventsResources
403 International Arts Center - Red Chair TheaterChina, Wuhan, No. 33 Baotongsi Road, Wuchang Distric, Wuhan City20181 
41 Monkgate TheatreEngland, York, 41 Monkgate,20121 
48th Street Theatre (Forty-Eight Street Theatre)United States of America, New York, 157 W. 48th St1915–19314 
49th Street Theatre (Forty-Ninth STreet Theatre)United States of America, New York, 235 W. 49th Street1928–19383 
4th Wall Theatre CompanyUnited States of America, Houston, 1824 Spring St., TX 7700720211