Name_SORTNameAddress FirstDate_SORTLastDate_SORTEvent DatesEventsResources
403 International Arts Center - Red Chair TheaterChina, Wuhan, No. 33 Baotongsi Road, Wuchang Distric, Wuhan City20181 
41 Monkgate TheatreEngland, York, 41 Monkgate,20121 
4th Wall Theatre CompanyUnited States of America, Houston, 1824 Spring St., TX 7700720211 
48th Street Theatre (Forty-Eight Street Theatre)United States of America, New York, 157 W. 48th St1915–19314 
49th Street Theatre (Forty-Ninth STreet Theatre)United States of America, New York, 235 W. 49th Street1928–19383