Name_SORTNameEvent DatesEventsResources
Nationaltheatret1899 – 20241814448
Det Norske Teatret1924 – 2024133429
NRK Fjernsynsteatret1961 – 201988426
Den Nationale Scene1876 – 2024475216
Nordland Teater1995 – 20182005
Nuova Compagnia Teatrale2016 – 2022603
Novelty Theatre1889 – 1891331
Nordic Black Theatre Teaterskole200111
NRK TV198421
Det Nye Teater1910 – 1947161
Det Norske Tegnspråkteater20007 
The Norwich Players1925 – 199219 
N.V. Tooneelvereeniging19162 
New Stage Repertory Company1983 – 19841 
Nieuw Nederlandsch Tooneelgezelschap18941 
Nordstrand videregående skole19942 
Nazimova Productions19221 
Den Norske Ballettskolen20101 
Nashville Shakespeare Festival20001 
Norwegian Ibsen Company2023 – 20242 
Norwegian Opera and Ballet20101 
NRK Drama20012 
New York Shakespeare Festival1969 – 19753 
NO LIMITS Theaterfestival2009 – 20152 
The Next Theatre Company20012 
Norwegian Embassy in Brasilia2022 – 20245 
Neue Werkbühne Munich20108 
The New Stage Club19051 
National Arts Festival20061 
Nordisk institutt for scene og studio (NISS)2006 – 201312 
Northern State University20041 
New York Classical Theatre2017 – 20192 
Northwest University20101 
Neue Freie Volksbühne (Neue Freie Volksbühne (Neues Volkstheater))19101 
Nordnorsk Scenekompani20041 
Næstved Amatørscene - Grønnegades Teater20021 
New Fortune Theatre20231 
New South Wales Government1976 – 19892 
Nakama1984 – 19864 
N.V. Het Rotterdamsch Tooneel19176 
The National Arts Council of Zambia20061 
The New Century Theatre18971 
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