Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenue CountryResources
Et Mobilt Dukkehjem25th April 2016Morsø TeaterDenmark 
The Master Builder7th August 2004Montrose Town CentreAustralia 
Mire feltámadunk12th August 1932MiskolcHungary 
The Master Builder9th September 2010Minerva TheatreEngland5
Mabou Mines Dollhouse16th November 2005Mershon Auditorium, Wexner Center for the ArtsUnited States of America 
Minshū no teki (An Enemy of the People / 民衆の敵)6th November 1959Memorial Hall Auditorium, Meiji UniversityJapan 
The Master Builder22nd July 2004Mechanics Institute Performing Arts CentreAustralia 
Myth-o-maniac - Inspired by Henrik Ibsen´s PEER GYNT (Part 1 of the PEER GYNT PROJECT)5th December 2005McKinleyville High SchoolUnited States of America 
The Master Builder10th November 1925Maxine Elliott's TheatreUnited States of America 
Minshū no teki (Enemy of the People / 民衆の敵)13th June 2006Matsumoto shimin geijutsukan (Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre)Japan 
Une Maison de poupée6th August 2018Manoir du Haut BussonFrance 
The Master Builder19th October 1964Manchester Opera HouseEngland 
The Master Builder16th May 2003Malvern Theatres - Festival TheatreEngland 
The Master Builder24th July 1950Malvern Theatres - Festival TheatreEngland 
The Master Builder16th November 1999Malvern Theatres - Festival TheatreEngland 
Mabou Mines Dollhouse6th November 2009Malaâ scena na Ordynke (Ordynka stage of Maly Theatre)Russia 
Градинарот Солнес (Gradinarot Solnes / Граћевинар Солнес)6th December 1938Makedonski Naroden Teatar (Macedonian National Theatre)Macedonia 
Une Maison de poupée16th November 2019Maison de Quartier de Porchefontaine - salle DelavaudFrance 
Une Maison de Poupee21st May 1997Maison de la Culture de BourgesFrance 
Maison de Poupee3rd January 1920Maison de l'Oeuvre (Salle Berlioz)France 
Une Maison de poupée21st March 2019Maison dans la ValléeFrance 
Une Maison de poupée4th October 2016Mains d'ŒuvresFrance 
The Masterbuilder17th May 1974Maddermarket TheatreEngland 
The Master Builder4th October 1999Lyceum TheatreEngland 
The Master Builder5th December 1910Lyceum TheatreEngland 
Mały Eyolf1st October 1906Lwowski Teatr LudowyPoland 
The Most Wonderful Thing of All7th October 2010Lusaka PlayhouseZambia 
Myth-o-maniac - Inspired by Henrik Ibsen´s PEER GYNT (Part 1 of the PEER GYNT PROJECT)3rd December 2005Lorna Byrne SchoolUnited States of America 
The Master Builder12th February 1999Loeb Drama CenterUnited States of America 
The Master Builder6th December 2009Little Theatre Group (LTG) AuditoriumIndia 
Meistras Solnesas7th March 2009Lietuvos nacionalinis dramos teatrasLithuania4
Meistras Solnesas16th October 2009Lietuvos nacionalinis dramos teatrasLithuania 
Meistras Solnesas20th November 2010Lietuvos nacionalinis dramos teatrasLithuania 
Mežapīle23rd March 1908Liepājas Latviešu teātrisLatvia 
Mazais Eijolfs9th September 1909Liepājas Latviešu teātrisLatvia 
Mabou Mines Dollhouse3rd April 2008LG Ateuseenteo Seoul (LG Arts Center)South Korea 
Maison de poupée11th October 1897LessingtheaterGermany 
Marikkatha Prethangal6th April 2010Lenin BalavadiIndia 
Une Maison de Poupée20th November 2024Le SablierFrance3
Une Maison de poupée15th November 2018Le Rayon VertFrance 
Une Maison de poupée22nd November 2016Le Préau Centre Dramatique Régional de Basse-NormandieFrance 
Maison de poupée4th December 1993Le Poche GenèveSwitzerland 
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