Name_SORTName FirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Hedda Gabler4th May 1980Landestheater AltenburgGermany 
Hedda Gabler16th April 1980Canal 13Mexico 
Hedda Gabler23rd March 1980BerlinGermany 
Hedda Gabler15th March 1980ItalyItaly 
Hedda Gabler6th March 1980Frank Prentice Rand Theater, Department of Theater, Fine Arts Center, University of MassachusettsUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler13th February 1980Sofia TheatreBulgaria 
Hedda Gabler6th February 1980Berkeley Repertory TheatreUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler1st January 1980DR TV (Danish Television)Denmark 
Hedda Gabler1980Teatrul Național Radiofonic (Societatea Română de Radiodifuziune)Romania 
Hedda Gabler5th December 1979Riihimäen TeatteriFinland 
Hedda Gabler23rd November 1979Pegasus PlayhouseEngland 
Hedda Gabler12th November 1979Stadttheater OltenSwitzerland 
Hedda Gabler12th October 1979University Theatre, Indiana UniversityUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler4th October 1979Stadttheater LuzernSwitzerland 
Hedda Gabler13th September 1979Sala Verdi at Comedia NacionalUruguay 
Hedda Gabler6th May 1979Württembergische Staatstheater StuttgartGermany 
Hedda Gabler18th April 1979SGIO TheatreAustralia 
Hedda Gabler11th April 1979Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel, Residenz TheaterGermany 
Hedda Gabler1st April 1979Little TheaterTanzania 
Hedda Gabler15th March 1979University Theatre, University of CaliforniaUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler7th March 1979Deutsches SchauspielhausGermany 
Hedda Gabler1st February 1979Teatrul Municipal din Baia-MareRomania 
Hedda Gabler1979BelgiumBelgium 
Hedda Gabler7th December 1978The Goodwin Theatre, Austin Arts CenterUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler21st November 1978Aalborg TeaterDenmark 
Hedda Gabler8th November 1978The Dukes PlayhouseEngland 
Hedda Gabler3rd September 1978NRK Radio (Norge)Norway 
Hedda Gabler8th August 1978Theater am KornmarktAustria 
Hedda Gabler8th August 1978The Hangar TheatreUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler20th May 1978Burgtheater (Akademietheater)Austria 
Hedda Gabler5th May 1978Kurtheater BadenSwitzerland 
Hedda Gabler20th April 1978The Performance CenterUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler18th April 1978Stadttheater BernSwitzerland 
Hedda Gabler9th March 1978Arts Club TheatreCanada 
Hedda Gabler23rd February 1978Teatre Lliure (Gràcia)Spain 
Hedda Gabler18th January 1978CanadaCanada 
Hedda Gabler15th November 1977Stadttheater LüneburgGermany 
Hedda Gabler12th November 1977Stadttheater PforzheimGermany 
Hedda Gabler15th October 1977Altonaer TheaterGermany 
Hedda Gabler4th October 1977La GalerieFrance 
Hedda Gabler17th September 1977Koninklijke SchouwburgNetherlands 
Hedda Gabler17th September 1977Koninklijke SchouwburgNetherlands