Name_SORTName FirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Oyuncaq Ev11th December 2006Academic National TheatreAzerbaijan 
Oyuncaq Ev25th December 2004Sheki Dram TheatreAzerbaijan 
Oyev Ha'Am (An Enemy of the Public / אויב העם)February 2017Ha-Te'atron Ha-Kameri (The Cameri Theatre)Israel 
Oyev Ha'Am (An Enemy of the People / אויב העם)31st July 1999Ha-Te'atron Ha-Kameri (The Cameri Theatre)Israel 
Otan xypnisoume emeis oi nekroi (When We Dead Awaken / Όταν ξυπνήσουμε εμείς οι νεκροί)2nd June 2014Beton 7Greece 
Otan xypnisoume emeis oi nekroi (When We Dead Awaken / Όταν ξυπνήσουμε εμείς οι νεκροί)22nd April 2012Apo Michanis Theatro (Apo Michanis Theatre)Greece 
Otan xypnisoume emeis oi nekroi (When We Dead Awaken / Όταν ξυπνήσουμε εμείς οι νεκροί)16th September 1990EIPT Radio (EIRT (National Television Broadcasting Corporation))Greece 
Otan xypnisoume emeis oi nekroi (When We Dead Awaken / Όταν ξυπνήσουμε εμείς οι νεκροί)3rd December 1980EIPT Radio (EIRT (National Television Broadcasting Corporation))Greece 
Otan xypnisoume emeis oi nekroi (When We Dead Awaken / Όταν ξυπνήσουμε εμείς οι νεκροί)20th December 1972EIPT Radio (EIRT (National Television Broadcasting Corporation))Greece 
Otan xypnisoume emeis oi nekroi (When We Dead Awaken / Όταν ξυπνήσουμε εμείς οι νεκροί)16th May 1956B’ Programma Radio (Ethnikó Ídryma Radiofonías) (Second Program (National Radio Foundation))Greece 
Ostade Memar (The Master Builder / استاد معمار)2006Channel 4, IRIB National TVIran 
Ordalie24th April 2024Teatre Nacional de CatalunyaSpain 
Ordalie28th November 2023Scène nationale d’Albi-TarnFrance 
Ordalie22nd November 2023Théâtre des 13 vents (Theatre des treize vents)France 
Ordalie19th October 2023Théâtre de LyonFrance1
Opory společnosti2nd May 1994Československá televize, Studio PrahaCzech Republic 
Opory společnosti21st October 1989Československá televize, Studio PrahaCzech Republic 
Opory společnosti18th March 1983Československá televize, Studio PrahaCzech Republic 
Opory společnosti21st May 1976Československá televize, Studio PrahaCzech Republic 
Opory společnosti28th December 1973Československá televize, Studio PrahaCzech Republic 
Opory společnosti7th June 1972Československá televize, Studio PrahaCzech Republic 
Opory společnosti28th May 1966Divadlo J. K. TylaCzech Republic 
Opory společnosti27th November 1965Městské divadlo KolínCzech Republic 
Opory společnosti23rd February 1958Krajské krušnohorské divadlo TepliceCzech Republic 
Opory společnosti10th May 1956Československý rozhlas BrnoCzech Republic 
Opory společnosti15th April 1956Divadlo pracujících v GottwaldovĕCzech Republic 
Opory společnosti21st June 1955Severočeské divadlo LiberecCzech Republic 
Opory společnosti13th April 1946Realistické divadloCzech Republic 
Opory společnosti23rd December 1938Zemské divadlo v BrněCzech Republic1
Opory společnosti9th March 1928Státní divadlo v Ostravĕ (Divadlo Jiřího Myrona)Czech Republic 
Opory společnosti12th May 1926Divadlo na VeveříCzech Republic1
Opory společnosti21st February 1911Zámecké divadlo KolínCzech Republic1
Opory společnosti24th January 1910Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Opera Ibsen / Přízraky (Opera Ibsen / Ghosts)9th July 2022Divadlo Antonína Dvořáka (Antonín Dvořák Theatre)Czech Republic 
Opekkhoman19th November 2009Experimental Theatre Hall Shilpakala AcademyBangladesh 
The Only Child - by Simon Stone with Thomas Henning, inspired by Henrik Ibsen’s Little Eyolf26th August 2011Herald Theatre, Aotea CentreNew Zealand 
The Only Child - by Simon Stone with Thomas Henning, inspired by Henrik Ibsen’s Little Eyolf17th September 2009Belvoir St. Theatre UpstairsAustralia5
Ones Who Return15th November 2024The Firehouse TheatreUnited States of America 
Ones Who Return8th December 2023The Bunport TheatreUnited States of America 
Ones Who Return3rd November 2023The Bug TheatreUnited States of America 
Om Peer28th April 2022Kilden Teater- og KonserthusNorway 
OM PEER19th March 2019IbsenhusetNorway 
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