Name_SORTName FirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Hedda Gabler26th February 1996FosnavågNorway 
Hedda Gabler26th February 1996Warwick Arts CentreEngland 
Hedda Gabler24th February 1996StrynNorway 
Hedda Gabler22nd February 1996FlorøNorway 
Hedda Gabler21st February 1996FørdeNorway 
Hedda Gabler20th February 1996SogndalNorway 
Hedda Gabler20th February 1996Buxton Opera HouseEngland 
Hedda Gabler19th February 1996ÅrdalstangenNorway 
Hedda Gabler16th February 1996BergenNorway 
Hedda Gabler14th February 1996Lyceum TheatreEngland 
Hedda Gabler13th February 1996SjøveganNorway 
Hedda Gabler12th February 1996FinnsnesNorway 
Hedda Gabler11th February 1996TromsøNorway 
Hedda Gabler8th February 1996AltaNorway 
Hedda Gabler7th February 1996Teatret i HammerfestNorway 
Hedda Gabler5th February 1996BåtsfjordNorway 
Hedda Gabler4th February 1996KirkenesNorway1
Hedda Gabler14th January 1996The Other PlaceEngland 
Hedda Gabler18th November 1995Schauspielhaus-StudioGermany 
Hedda Gabler10th November 1995Nevada Repertory CompanyUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler30th October 1995TorontoCanada 
Hedda GablerOctober 1995The American University, AUCEgypt 
Hedda Gabler24th September 1995Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel, Residenz TheaterGermany 
Hedda Gabler4th June 1995Teatr im. Juliusza SłowackiegoPoland 
Hedda Gabler31st May 1995BergenNorway 
Hedda Gabler28th May 1995Theater der Stadt HeidelbergGermany 
Hedda Gabler6th May 1995RaamTheater op 't Zuid (RaamTheater South room)Belgium 
Hedda Gabler4th May 1995Teater Får302Denmark 
Hedda Gabler30th April 1995The Old Globe TheatreUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler27th April 1995Théâtre Royal du ParcBelgium 
Hedda Gabler26th April 1995Theater Der KellerGermany 
Hedda Gabler24th March 1995RisørNorway 
Hedda Gabler22nd March 1995Grimstad KulturhusNorway 
Hedda Gabler21st March 1995LillesandNorway 
Hedda Gabler20th March 1995VenneslaNorway 
Hedda Gabler18th March 1995MandalNorway 
Hedda Gabler16th March 1995KristiansandNorway 
Hedda Gabler15th March 1995KvinesdalNorway 
Hedda Gabler14th March 1995TonstadNorway 
Hedda Gabler13th March 1995EgersundNorway 
Hedda Gabler12th March 1995TysværNorway 
Hedda Gabler10th March 1995HaugesundNorway