Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenue CountryResources
Hedda Gabler14th April 1994PolanentheaterNetherlands 
Hedda Gabler6th February 2008PoliteamaItaly 
Hedda Gabler25th October 1901Politeama CiscuttiCroatia 
Hedda Gabler4th December 2013Politeama ClariciItaly 
Hedda Gabler7th March 2013Politeama RossettiItaly 
Hedda Gabler4th November 1981Politeama RossettiItaly 
Hedda Gabler18th March 2014Pomegranate TheatreEngland 
Hedda Gabler27th September 1976PortugalPortugal 
Hedda Gabler8th April 1901PotsdamGermany 
Hedda Gabler11th November 1907Powers GrandUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler20th September 1901Powers' TheaterUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler27th September 2008Prešernovo gledališče Kranj (Prešeren Theater)Slovenia4
Hedda Gabler5th January 1942PreßburgSlovak Republic 
A Hedda GablerNovember 2016Pride Arts CenterUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler25th May 1908Prince's TheatreEngland 
Hedda Gabler13th November 1906Princess TheatreUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler24th February 1975Princess TheatreAustralia 
Hedda Gabler7th April 1988Princess TheatreAustralia 
Hedda Gabler13th October 2000Printer's Devil TheaterUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler21st May 2003Project Arts CentreIreland 
Hedda: a modern version of Ibsen's Hedda Gabler by Edwin Corley20th April 1958Provincetown PlayhouseUnited States of America 
Helmer Hardcore - Et dukkehjem 218th February 2007PrøvehallenDenmark 
Hedda Gabler29th April 2014Pulloff ThéâtresSwitzerland 
Helgeran-ui Yongsadeul (The Vikings at Helgeland / 헬게란의 용사들)1st August 1938Pumin'gwan (Bumingwan)South Korea 
Heda Gablerová1st July 2007PustevnyCzech Republic 
Hedda Gabler5th August 1947Putnam County PlayhouseUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler26th April 2005Putney Arts TheatreEngland 
Hedda Gabler7th November 1991PWSTPoland 
Hedda Gabler21st January 1977QR CentreCanada 
Hedda Gabler11th March 2017Quai de ScèneFrance 
Hedda Gabler17th February 2006Quarry TheatreEngland 
Hedda Gabler30th June 1993Queen's Hall Arts CentreEngland 
Hedda Gabler22nd April 2005R.S.9. StúdiószínházHungary 
Hedda Gabler22nd December 2013Radnóti Miklós SzínházHungary 
Hedda Gabler1997Rai Radio 2Italy 
Hedda Gabler8th July 1899Raimund-TheaterAustria 
Hedda Gabler30th May 1924Raimund-TheaterAustria 
Hedda Gabler11th April 2008Ransburg Auditorium in Esch Hall at the University of IndianapolisUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler26th October 2006Rarig Center, Stoll Thrust TheatreUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler19th March 1971RaulandNorway 
Hedda Gabler14th March 2022Rauma kulturhusNorway1
Hedda Gabler2nd May 2001RaumahallenNorway