Hedda Gabler, 19230626 | Hedda Gabler | 19230626 | 26th June 1923 | Bremer Schauspielhaus | Bremer Schauspielhaus | Germany | |
Hedda Gabler, 19930702 | Hedda Gabler | 19930702 | 2nd July 1993 | Brewery Arts Centre | Brewery Arts Centre | England | |
Hedda Gabler, 19991206 | Hedda Gabler | 19991206 | 6th December 1999 | Brighton | Brighton | England | |
Hedda Gabler, 19711007 | Hedda Gabler | 19711007 | 7th October 1971 | Bristol Music Centre's Teater | Bristol Music Centre's Teater | Denmark | |
Hedda Gabler, 19480504 | Hedda Gabler | 19480504 | 4th May 1948 | Bristol Old Vic | Bristol Old Vic | England | |
Hedda Gabler, 19220814 | Hedda Gabler | 19220814 | 14th August 1922 | Brixton Theatre | Brixton Theatre | England | |
Hedda Gabler, 19040212 | Hedda Gabler | 19040212 | 12th February 1904 | Broad Street Theatre | Broad Street Theatre | United States of America | |
Hedda Gabler, 19030402 | Hedda Gabler | 19030402 | 2nd April 1903 | Broadway Theatre | Broadway Theatre | United States of America | |
Hedda Gabler, 20171110 | Hedda Gabler | 20171110 | 10th November 2017 | Bromley Little Theatre | Bromley Little Theatre | England | |
Hedda Gabler, 20061128 | Hedda Gabler | 20061128 | 28th November 2006 | Brooklyn Academy of Music | Brooklyn Academy of Music | United States of America | |
Hedda Gabler, 20060228 | Hedda Gabler | 20060228 | 28th February 2006 | Brooklyn Academy of Music | Brooklyn Academy of Music | United States of America | |
Hedda Gabler, 19710828 | Hedda Gabler | 19710828 | 28th August 1971 | Brumunddal | Brumunddal | Norway | |
Hedda Gabler, 20140228 | Hedda Gabler | 20140228 | 28th February 2014 | Brunton Theatre | Brunton Theatre | Scotland | |
Hedda Gabler, 20101025 | Hedda Gabler | 20101025 | 25th October 2010 | Brückentorsaal, Rinteln | Brückentorsaal, Rinteln | Germany | |
Hedda Gabler, 19831018 | Hedda Gabler | 19831018 | 18th October 1983 | Brønnøysund Samfunnshus | Brønnøysund Samfunnshus | Norway | |
Hærmennene på Helgeland, 19761105 | Hærmennene på Helgeland | 19761105 | 5th November 1976 | Brønnøysund Samfunnshus | Brønnøysund Samfunnshus | Norway | |
Hedda Gabler, 20050522 | Hedda Gabler | 20050522 | 22nd May 2005 | Buddies in Bad Times Theatre | Buddies in Bad Times Theatre | Canada | |
Hedda Gabler, 20220428 | Hedda Gabler | 20220428 | 28th April 2022 | Buen Kulturhus | Buen Kulturhus | Norway | 1 |
Hedda Gabler, 19540717 | Hedda Gabler | 19540717 | 17th July 1954 | Buenos Aires | Buenos Aires | Argentina | |
Hedda Gabler, 1970 | Hedda Gabler | 1970 | 1970 | Buenos Aires | Buenos Aires | Argentina | |
Hedda Gabler, 20010509 | Hedda Gabler | 20010509 | 9th May 2001 | Bulex (Kunsten Festival des Arts) | Bulex (Kunsten Festival des Arts) | Belgium | |
Hedda gābureru, 19671201 | Hedda gābureru (Hedda Gabler / ヘッダ・ガーブレル) | 19671201 | 1st December 1967 | Bungakuza Studio | Bungakuza Studio | Japan | |
Hedda Gabler, 19060705 | Hedda Gabler | 19060705 | 5th July 1906 | Burbank Theatre | Burbank Theatre | United States of America | |
Hedda, 20130915 | Hedda | 20130915 | 15th September 2013 | Burgh House | Burgh House | England | |
Hedda, 20140406 | Hedda | 20140406 | 6th April 2014 | Burgh House | Burgh House | England | |
Hedda Gabler, 19411209 | Hedda Gabler | 19411209 | 9th December 1941 | Burgtheater (Akademietheater) | Burgtheater (Akademietheater) | Austria | |
Hedda Gabler, 19780520 | Hedda Gabler | 19780520 | 20th May 1978 | Burgtheater (Akademietheater) | Burgtheater (Akademietheater) | Austria | |
Hedda Gabler, 19930922 | Hedda Gabler | 19930922 | 22nd September 1993 | Burnley Mechanics Theatre | Burnley Mechanics Theatre | England | |
Hedda Gabler, 19930810 | Hedda Gabler | 19930810 | 10th August 1993 | Buxton Opera House | Buxton Opera House | England | |
Hedda Gabler, 19960220 | Hedda Gabler | 19960220 | 20th February 1996 | Buxton Opera House | Buxton Opera House | England | |
Hedda Gabler, 20140328 | Hedda Gabler | 20140328 | 28th March 2014 | Buxton Opera House | Buxton Opera House | England | |
Hedda Gabler, 20060609 | Hedda Gabler | 20060609 | 9th June 2006 | Bühne S, Balustrade Bahnhof Stadelhofen | Bühne S, Balustrade Bahnhof Stadelhofen | Switzerland | 4 |
Hedda Gabler, 19970209 | Hedda Gabler | 19970209 | 9th February 1997 | Bühnen der Hansestadt Lübeck (Kammerspiele) | Bühnen der Hansestadt Lübeck (Kammerspiele) | Germany | |
Hedda Gabler, 20090227 | Hedda Gabler | 20090227 | 27th February 2009 | Bühnen der Stadt Gera | Bühnen der Stadt Gera | Germany | |
Hedda Gabler, 20051019 | Hedda Gabler | 20051019 | 19th October 2005 | Bürgerhaus | Bürgerhaus | Germany | |
Hedda Gabler, 19100213 | Hedda Gabler | 19100213 | 13th February 1910 | Bürgersaal Bozen | Bürgersaal Bozen | Italy | |
Hedda Gabler, 19710429 | Hedda Gabler | 19710429 | 29th April 1971 | Bø i Telemark | Bø i Telemark | Norway | |
Hedda Gabler, 19960205 | Hedda Gabler | 19960205 | 5th February 1996 | Båtsfjord | Båtsfjord | Norway | |
Hærmennene på Helgeland, 20090226 | Hærmennene på Helgeland | 20090226 | 26th February 2009 | Båtsfjord | Båtsfjord | Norway | |
Hedda, 20070228 | Hedda | 20070228 | 28th February 2007 | c.c. CasinoKoksijde | c.c. CasinoKoksijde | Belgium | |
Hedda, 20071208 | Hedda | 20071208 | 8th December 2007 | C.C. De Abdij | C.C. De Abdij | Belgium | |
Hedda, 20180831 | Hedda | 20180831 | 31st August 2018 | Cabaret Theater | Cabaret Theater | United States of America | |