Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountry Resources
A Doll's House6th February 1978Neptune TheatreCanada 
A Doll's House17th December 1975Dorothy Somerset StudioCanada 
A Doll House (Doll's House)26th February 1975University of Calgary, Department of DramaCanada 
A Doll's House2nd April 1959Technical School AuditoriumCanada 
A Doll's House2nd March 1975Mendel Art GalleryCanada 
A Doll's House5th December 1984Theatre A at Carleton UniversityCanada 
A Doll's House16th September 1987Frederic Wood TheatreCanada 
A Doll's House21st April 2010Globe Theatre Main StageCanada 
A Doll's HouseOctober 1955CanadaCanada 
A Doll's HouseApril 1974National Arts CentreCanada 
A Doll's House11th October 2017Walterdale TheatreCanada 
Doll House30th November 2017Studio Theatre, Timms Centre for the ArtsCanada 
A Doll's House22nd March 2018Lower Denton TheatreCanada 
A Doll's House31st May 2018West End Studio TheatreCanada 
A Doll's House30th January 2019Royal Manitoba Theatre CentreCanada 
A Doll's House27th July 2016Young Centre - Baillie TheatreCanada2
A Doll's House4th May 1966CanadaCanada 
El Desarrollo de la Civilización Venidera21st January 2010Teatro Universidad Católica (Sala 2)Chile 
La dama del mar16th November 2006Centro Cultural NorteSurChile2
再见,玩偶 (Goodbye, My Doll Life) (Zaijian, Wan'ou)22nd October 2010Xianlin Xiaoqū Daxuesheng Zhongxin (University Students' Centre, Xianlin Campus)China 
娜拉 (A Doll's House) (Nala)30th October 2014Grand TheatreChina2
Dang Women Sizhe Xinglai (When We Dead Awaken / 当我们死者醒来)25th April 2015Xing Kong Juchang (Star Theater)China 
Dang Women Sizhe Xinglai (When We Dead Awaken / 当我们死者醒来)15th October 2008Xiahe MicangChina 
Wan’ou Zhijia (A Doll's House / 玩偶之家)20th July 2018Shǒudū Jùchǎng (The Capital Theater)China 
Doll's House (Wan’ou Zhijia / 玩偶之家)2nd February 2023Guójiā Dàjùyuàn (National Centre for the Performing Arts)China 
Doll's House (Wan’ou Zhijia / 玩偶之家)19th December 2024Guójiā Dàjùyuàn (National Centre for the Performing Arts)China 
Divlja patka (The Wild Duck)24th May 1906Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu (Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb)Croatia 
Divlja patka (The Wild Duck)14th May 1904Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu (Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb)Croatia 
Divlja patka10th November 1934Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Osijeku (Croatian National Theatre in Osijek)Croatia 
Divlja patka (The Wild Duck)22nd May 1990Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Splitu (Croatian National Theatre in Split)Croatia 
Divlja patka (The Wild Duck)18th December 1926Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Splitu (Croatian National Theatre in Split)Croatia 
La dama del mar24th November 2012Sala Adolfo LlauradóCuba 
Domov loutek. (Nora)11th March 1936Umělecká beseda na Malé straněCzech Republic1
Domeček pro panenky17th May 1999Divadlo RokokoCzech Republic 
Domov loutek6th February 1971Západočeské divadlo v ChebuCzech Republic 
Domeček pro panenky9th April 2011Divadlo ŠumperkCzech Republic 
Divoká kachna13th October 1903Divadlo na VeveříCzech Republic 
Divoká kachna14th January 1904Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Divoká kachna27th April 1912Divadlo na VeveříCzech Republic1
Divoká kachna10th May 1921Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Divoká kachna31st May 1921Stavovské divadloCzech Republic 
Divoká kachna3rd February 1922Státní divadlo v Ostravĕ (Divadlo Jiřího Myrona)Czech Republic