Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenue CountryResources
De unges forbund14th May 1950NationaltheatretNorway 
De Unges Forbund2nd September 1940NationaltheatretNorway 
De Unges Forbund16th March 1928NationaltheatretNorway 
Dushman15th May 2006National Theatre Auditorium Shilpakala AcademyBangladesh 
Нора - Куќа на Куклите (Nora - Kukja na Kuklite)10th March 1968National Theatre “Vojdan Chernodrinski” – Prilep (Театар „Војдан Чернодрински“ - Прилеп)Macedonia 
Нора (Nora)19th March 2011National Theatre "Jordan Hadji-Konstantinov - Djinot" - Veles (Национален Театар „Јордан Хаџи - Константинов - Џинот“ Велес)Macedonia 
A Doll's House15th April 2004National Chiang Kai-shek Cultural CenterTaiwan 
A Doll's HouseApril 1974National Arts CentreCanada 
Et Dukkehjem27th September 1990NarvikNorway 
Dzika kaczka14th April 1957Narodowy Stary Teatr im. Heleny ModrzejewskiejPoland 
Divlja patka23rd May 1991Narodno pozorište u Beogradu (The National Theatre in Belgrade)Serbia 
Divlja patka3rd January 1935Narodno pozorište u Beogradu (The National Theatre in Belgrade)Serbia 
Divlja patka (The Wild Duck)26th May 1989Narodno pozorište Sombor (Sombor National Theatre)Serbia 
Divlja patka (The Wild Duck)15th February 1941Narodno pozorište Sarajevo (Sarajevo National Theater)Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Divja raca12th January 1929Narodno gledališče MariborSlovenia 
Divja raca4th January 1928Narodno gledališče LjubljanaSlovenia 
Divoká kachna14th January 1904Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Divoká kachna10th May 1921Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Divoká kachna22nd February 1940Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Divoká kachna8th November 1905Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Divoká kachna3rd March 1907Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Divoká kachna19th October 1907Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Divoká kachna15th January 1912Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Divoká kachna2nd May 1913Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Divata patica (The Wild Duck)12th October 2018Naroden teatar Ivan Vazov (The Ivan Vazov National Theater)Bulgaria 
Dzhon Gabriel Borkman23rd January 1905Naroden teatar Bulgaria 
Divata patiza5th October 1939Naroden teatar Bulgaria 
A Doll’s House19th April 2024Nano Nagle TheatreIreland 
Et Dukkehjem8th November 1989Namsos KulturhusNorway 
Et dukkehjem18th November 2009Namsos KulturhusNorway 
Et Dukkehjem28th June 1900NamsosNorway 
Et Dukkehjem4th May 1966NamsosNorway 
Et dukkehjem30th November 2009Nakskov TeaterDenmark 
A Doll's House12th May 2006NairobiKenya 
Et DukkehjemMay 1990Møre og RomsdalNorway 
Die Wildente21st October 1979Münchner KammerspieleGermany 
Doktor Štokman (Doctor Stockmann / Доктор Штокман)4th March 1903MykolaivUkraine 
A Doll´s House23rd December 1910Muskogee High SchoolUnited States of America 
Et dukkehjem20th October 2009Musikteatret VejleDenmark2
Et dukkehjem23rd October 2009Musikteatret HolstebroDenmark 
Et Dukkehjem14th February 2002Musikteatret AlbertslundDenmark 
Et Dukkehjem11th March 2002Musikhuset AarhusDenmark