Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenue CountryResources
Strahovi27th March 2015Mestno gledališče ljubljanskoSlovenia 
Strašidla22nd June 1962Městské divadlo Mladá BoleslavCzech Republic 
Stavitel Solness12th March 1943Městské komorní divadloCzech Republic 
Strašidla25th April 1959Mĕstské oblastní divadlo VarnsdorfCzech Republic 
Solness építőmester15th November 1925MezőkövesdHungary 
Solness építőmester23rd September 1925MezőtúrHungary 
Scene di teatro – il mito di Nora Helmer28th November 1980Mickery TheatreNetherlands 
Stützen der Gesellschaft20th November 1878Mikhailovsky TheatreRussia 
Solveigs 2. sang6th October 2017Milepelen, SandNorway 
Shengnv Zhijia (The Greatest Event in A Doll's Life / 女之家)7th December 2019Ming Dangdai Meishuguan (McaM (Ming Contemporary Art Museum))China 
Solness építőmester12th November 1925MiskolcHungary 
Solness építőmester4th July 1928MiskolcHungary 
Solness építőmester8th June 1935MiskolcHungary 
Die Stützen der Gesellschaft21st September 2013Mittelsächsisches TheaterGermany 
Samfunnets støtter8th November 2015Modum KulturhusetNorway 
SpettriAugust 1897MontevideoUruguay 
Stavitel Solness13th April 2012Moravské divadlo OlomoucCzech Republic6
To spiti tis kouklas (Nora)28th May 1974MorphouCyprus 
Stolpy obščestva (Pillars of Society) Moskovski dramatičeski teatr imeni A. PuškinaRussia 
Stroitel' Sol'nes (Builder Solness / Строитель Сольнес)23rd March 1931Moskovskij dramatičeskij teatr (Korša teatr)Russia 
Stolpy obŝеstva (Pillars of Society / Столпы общества)24th February 1903Moskovskij Hudožestvennyj akademičeskij teatr (Moscow Art Theatre)Russia 
Solness építőmester13th March 1926MosonmagyaróvárHungary 
To spiti tis kouklas (A Doll's House / Το σπίτι της κούκλας)15th April 1975Municipal TheatreGreece 
Super-Per12th March 1994Musikkteatret, VestbanenNorway 
Samfunnets Stötter6th November 1878Møllergadens Theater - FolketheatretNorway 
Samhällets stöttepelare22nd February 2013MålarsalenSweden1
Solness építőmester2nd June 1926NagykanizsaHungary 
Samfundets støtter11th November 1981NamsosNorway 
Samfunnets støtter12th October 2015Namsos KulturhusNorway 
SpettriApril 1894NaplesItaly 
Spettri4th November 1903NaplesItaly 
Spettri27th October 1897Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Strašidla7th January 1909Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Stavitel Solness6th March 1912Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Strašidla14th February 1918Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Stavitel Solness15th October 1927Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Strašidla14th September 1918Národní divadloCzech Republic 
Strahovi25th September 1929Narodno gledališče LjubljanaSlovenia 
Strahovi1st November 1919Narodno gledališče MariborSlovenia 
Sovražnik ljudstva14th February 1922Narodno gledališče MariborSlovenia 
Stubovi društva21st May 1878Narodno pozorište u Beogradu (The National Theatre in Belgrade)Serbia 
Stubovi društva18th February 1906Narodno pozorište u Beogradu (The National Theatre in Belgrade)Serbia