Samhällets pelare, 19020510 | Samhällets pelare | 19020510 | 10th May 1902 | Stora Teatern | Stora Teatern | Sweden | |
Spoken, 19021105 | Spoken | 19021105 | 5th November 1902 | Paleis voor Volksvlijt | Paleis voor Volksvlijt | Netherlands | |
Sadzīves pīlāri, 19021124 | Sadzīves pīlāri | 19021124 | 24th November 1902 | Jaunais Rīgas Teātris | Jaunais Rīgas Teātris | Latvia | |
Spettri, 19030125 | Spettri | 19030125 | 25th January 1903 | Teatro Niccolini | Teatro Niccolini | Italy | |
Stolpy obŝеstva, 19030224 | Stolpy obŝеstva (Pillars of Society / Столпы общества) | 19030224 | 24th February 1903 | Moskovskij Hudožestvennyj akademičeskij teatr | Moskovskij Hudožestvennyj akademičeskij teatr
(Moscow Art Theatre) | Russia | |
spiti tis kouklas, To, 19030304 | To spiti tis kouklas (A Doll's House / Το σπίτι της κούκλας) | 19030304 | 4th March 1903 | Theatro Anagennisis | Theatro Anagennisis | Cyprus | |
spiti tis kouklas, To, 19030424 | To spiti tis kouklas (A Doll's House / Το σπίτι της κούκλας) | 19030424 | 24th April 1903 | Theatro Apollon | Theatro Apollon
(Apollo Theater) | Greece | |
spiti tis kouklas, To, 19031023 | To spiti tis kouklas (A Doll's House / Το σπίτι της κούκλας) | 19031023 | 23rd October 1903 | Theatro Odeion | Theatro Odeion | Turkey | |
spiti tis kouklas, To, 190404 | To spiti tis kouklas (A Doll's House / Το σπίτι της κούκλας) | 190404 | April
1904 | Theatro Foskolos | Theatro Foskolos
(Foskolos theater) | Greece | |
Spettri, 19030814 | Spettri | 19030814 | 14th August 1903 | Arena Garibaldi | Arena Garibaldi | Italy | |
Spettri, 19031124 | Spettri | 19031124 | 24th November 1903 | Teatro Fiorentini | Teatro Fiorentini | Italy | |
Spettri, 19040624 | Spettri | 19040624 | 24th June 1904 | Odeon | Odeon | Argentina | |
Spettri, 19040627 | Spettri | 19040627 | 27th June 1904 | Teatro San Martín | Teatro San Martín | Argentina | |
Spettri, 19040730 | Spettri | 19040730 | 30th July 1904 | Teatro Solís | Teatro Solís | Uruguay | |
spiti tis kouklas, To, 19040728 | To spiti tis kouklas (A Doll's House / Το σπίτι της κούκλας) | 19040728 | 28th July 1904 | Khios | Khios | Greece | |
Steunpilaren der maatschappij, 19050801 | Steunpilaren der maatschappij | 19050801 | 1st August 1905 | Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam | Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam | Netherlands | |
Solnes épitőmester, 19051130 | Solnes épitőmester | 19051130 | 30th November 1905 | Budapest | Budapest | Hungary | |
Sovražnik ljudstva, 19060130 | Sovražnik ljudstva | 19060130 | 30th January 1906 | Deželno gledališče | Deželno gledališče | Slovenia | |
Stubovi društva, 19060218 | Stubovi društva | 19060218 | 18th February 1906 | Narodno pozorište u Beogradu | Narodno pozorište u Beogradu
(The National Theatre in Belgrade) | Serbia | |
Spettri, 19060501 | Spettri | 19060501 | 1st May 1906 | Teatro Cressoni | Teatro Cressoni | Italy | |
Spettri, 19060606 | Spettri | 19060606 | 6th June 1906 | Teatro Verdi | Teatro Verdi | Italy | |
Spettri, 19090601 | Spettri | 19090601 | 1st June 1909 | Bergamo | Bergamo | Italy | |
Spettri, 19070312 | Spettri | 19070312 | 12th March 1907 | Teatro Fiorentini | Teatro Fiorentini | Italy | |
Spettri, 19070806 | Spettri | 19070806 | 6th August 1907 | Teatro Epicarmo | Teatro Epicarmo | Italy | |
Spettri, 19071014 | Spettri | 19071014 | 14th October 1907 | Teatro Principe di Napoli | Teatro Principe di Napoli | Italy | |
spiti tis kouklas, To, 19071007 | To spiti tis kouklas (A Doll's House / Το σπίτι της κούκλας) | 19071007 | 7th October 1907 | Dimotiko Theatro Athinon | Dimotiko Theatro Athinon
(Municipal Theater of Athens) | Greece | |
Spoki, 19071014 | Spoki | 19071014 | 14th October 1907 | Torņakalna Palīdzības biedrībā | Torņakalna Palīdzības biedrībā | Latvia | |
Spoki, 19071104 | Spoki | 19071104 | 4th November 1907 | Liepājas Latviešu teātris | Liepājas Latviešu teātris | Latvia | |
spiti tis kouklas, To, 19071121 | To spiti tis kouklas (A Doll's House / Το σπίτι της κούκλας) | 19071121 | 21st November 1907 | Theatre Variete | Theatre Variete | Turkey | |
Stroitel Solness, 19071203 | Stroitel Solness | 19071203 | 3rd December 1907 | Savremen teatar (Samtidsteatret) | Savremen teatar (Samtidsteatret) | Bulgaria | |
Solness épitőmester, 19271128 | Solness épitőmester | 19271128 | 28th November 1927 | Blaha Lujza Szinház | Blaha Lujza Szinház | Hungary | |
Spoki, 19080415 | Spoki | 19080415 | 15th April 1908 | Liepājas Latviešu teātris | Liepājas Latviešu teātris | Latvia | |
Spoki, 19080629 | Spoki | 19080629 | 29th June 1908 | Apollo teātris | Apollo teātris | Latvia | |
Spoki, 19080924 | Spoki | 19080924 | 24th September 1908 | Liepājas Latviešu teātris | Liepājas Latviešu teātris | Latvia | |
Strašidla, 19090107 | Strašidla | 19090107 | 7th January 1909 | Národní divadlo | Národní divadlo | Czech Republic | |
Samfundets støtter, 19090204 | Samfundets støtter | 19090204 | 4th February 1909 | Nyborg Teater | Nyborg Teater | Denmark | |
Stavitel Solness, 19100917 | Stavitel Solness | 19100917 | 17th September 1910 | Divadlo na Veveří | Divadlo na Veveří | Czech Republic | |
spiti tis kouklas, To, 19101002 | To spiti tis kouklas (A Doll's House / Το σπίτι της κούκλας) | 19101002 | 2nd October 1910 | Kafeneio Dasopoulou | Kafeneio Dasopoulou | Greece | |
Samhällets stöd, 19101010 | Samhällets stöd | 19101010 | 10th October 1910 | Svenska Teatern | Svenska Teatern | Finland | |
Stebri družbe, 19101208 | Stebri družbe | 19101208 | 8th December 1910 | Deželno gledališče | Deželno gledališče | Slovenia | |
Super-Per, 19940312 | Super-Per | 19940312 | 12th March 1994 | Musikkteatret, Vestbanen | Musikkteatret, Vestbanen | Norway | |
Super-Per, 19940316 | Super-Per | 19940316 | 16th March 1994 | USF Verftet | USF Verftet | Norway | |