Spoken, 19130207 | Spoken | 19130207 | 7th February 1913 | Paleis voor Volksvlijt | Paleis voor Volksvlijt | Netherlands | |
Spettri, 19130515 | Spettri | 19130515 | 15th May 1913 | Rome | Rome | Italy | |
Sabiedrības pīlāri, 19130527 | Sabiedrības pīlāri | 19130527 | 27th May 1913 | Jaunais Rīgas Teātris | Jaunais Rīgas Teātris | Latvia | |
Sabiedrības pīlāri, 19130925 | Sabiedrības pīlāri | 19130925 | 25th September 1913 | Liepājas Latviešu teātris | Liepājas Latviešu teātris | Latvia | |
Shakai no hashira, 19140102 | Shakai no hashira (Pillars Of Society / 社会の柱) | 19140102 | 2nd January 1914 | Yǒu lèzuò | Yǒu lèzuò
(Yurakuza Theatre) | Japan | |
Steunpilaren der maatschappij, 19140211 | Steunpilaren der maatschappij | 19140211 | 11th February 1914 | Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam | Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam | Netherlands | |
spiti tis kouklas, To, 19140913 | To spiti tis kouklas (A Doll's House / Το σπίτι της κούκλας) | 19140913 | 13th September 1914 | Theatro Eleftheria | Theatro Eleftheria | Greece | |
Samfundets støtter, 19140917 | Samfundets støtter | 19140917 | 17th September 1914 | Stavanger Faste Scene | Stavanger Faste Scene | Norway | |
Spoki, 19150211 | Spoki | 19150211 | 11th February 1915 | Liepājas Latviešu teātris | Liepājas Latviešu teātris | Latvia | |
Svētki Solhaugā, 19150219 | Svētki Solhaugā | 19150219 | 19th February 1915 | Jaunais Rīgas Teātris | Jaunais Rīgas Teātris | Latvia | |
Sadzīves pīlāri, 19150527 | Sadzīves pīlāri | 19150527 | 27th May 1915 | Jaunais Rīgas Teātris | Jaunais Rīgas Teātris | Latvia | |
Strašidla, 19160614 | Strašidla | 19160614 | 14th June 1916 | Divadlo na Veveří | Divadlo na Veveří | Czech Republic | |
Spoki, 19160730 | Spoki | 19160730 | 30th July 1916 | Rēveles Latviešu teātris | Rēveles Latviešu teātris | Estonia | |
Samfundets Støtter, 19160916 | Samfundets Støtter | 19160916 | 16th September 1916 | Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen | Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen | Norway | |
spiti tis kouklas, To, 19160917 | To spiti tis kouklas (A Doll's House / Το σπίτι της κούκλας) | 19160917 | 17th September 1916 | Theatro Olympia | Theatro Olympia | Greece | |
Spoki, 19170114 | Spoki | 19170114 | 14th January 1917 | Maskavas Latviešu teātris | Maskavas Latviešu teātris | Russia | |
Samfundets Støtter, 19170217 | Samfundets Støtter | 19170217 | 17th February 1917 | Nationale Scene, Den | Den Nationale Scene | Norway | |
steunpilaren der maatschappij, De, 19170504 | De steunpilaren der maatschappij | 19170504 | 4th May 1917 | Groote Schouwburg | Groote Schouwburg | Netherlands | |
Spoki, 19180213 | Spoki | 19180213 | 13th February 1918 | Strādnieku teātris Liesma | Strādnieku teātris Liesma | Latvia | |
Strašidla, 19180214 | Strašidla | 19180214 | 14th February 1918 | Národní divadlo | Národní divadlo | Czech Republic | |
Sadzīves pīlāri, 19180313 | Sadzīves pīlāri | 19180313 | 13th March 1918 | Latviešu teātris | Latviešu teātris | Latvia | |
Strahovi, 19190308 | Strahovi | 19190308 | 8th March 1919 | Kraljevsko slovensko gledališče Ljubljana | Kraljevsko slovensko gledališče Ljubljana | Slovenia | |
Strahovi, 19190327 | Strahovi | 19190327 | 27th March 1919 | Slovensko Stalno Gledališče | Slovensko Stalno Gledališče | Italy | |
Spoken, 19190330 | Spoken | 19190330 | 30th March 1919 | Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam | Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam | Netherlands | |
Strahovi, 19191101 | Strahovi | 19191101 | 1st November 1919 | Narodno gledališče Maribor | Narodno gledališče Maribor | Slovenia | |
Spoki, 19200328 | Spoki | 19200328 | 28th March 1920 | Liepājas Jaunajā Teātris | Liepājas Jaunajā Teātris | Latvia | |
Solness épitőmester, 19200415 | Solness épitőmester | 19200415 | 15th April 1920 | Madách Kamara Színház | Madách Kamara Színház | Hungary | |
Solness le Constructeur, 19200525 | Solness le Constructeur | 19200525 | 25th May 1920 | Maison de l'Oeuvre (Salle Berlioz) | Maison de l'Oeuvre (Salle Berlioz) | France | |
Spoken, 19210423 | Spoken | 19210423 | 23rd April 1921 | Groote Schouwburg | Groote Schouwburg | Netherlands | |
Sovražnik ljudstva, 19220214 | Sovražnik ljudstva | 19220214 | 14th February 1922 | Narodno gledališče Maribor | Narodno gledališče Maribor | Slovenia | |
Samfundets støtter, 19220406 | Samfundets støtter | 19220406 | 6th April 1922 | St. Olaf College Theater | St. Olaf College Theater | United States of America | |
Spettri, 19220628 | Spettri | 19220628 | 28th June 1922 | Teatro Argentina | Teatro Argentina | Italy | |
Spettri, 19221018 | Spettri | 19221018 | 18th October 1922 | Teatro Verdi | Teatro Verdi | Italy | |
Spettri, 19221204 | Spettri | 19221204 | 4th December 1922 | Teatro Costanzi | Teatro Costanzi | Italy | |
Spettri, 19221217 | Spettri | 19221217 | 17th December 1922 | Teatro Lirico | Teatro Lirico | Italy | |
Spettri, 19221230 | Spettri | 19221230 | 30th December 1922 | Teatro Argentina | Teatro Argentina | Italy | |
Spettri, 19241129 | Spettri | 19241129 | 29th November 1924 | Teatro Argentina | Teatro Argentina | Italy | |
Spettri (Ghosts), 19230612 | Spettri (Ghosts) | 19230612 | 12th June 1923 | New Theatre Oxford | New Theatre Oxford | England | |
Spettri (Ghosts), 19231106 | Spettri (Ghosts) | 19231106 | 6th November 1923 | Century Theatre | Century Theatre | United States of America | |
Spettri (Ghosts), 19240101 | Spettri (Ghosts) | 19240101 | 1st January 1924 | Chicago Auditorium | Chicago Auditorium | United States of America | |
Spettri (Ghosts), 19240409 | Spettri (Ghosts) | 19240409 | 9th April 1924 | Masonic Hall | Masonic Hall | United States of America | |
Svētki Solhaugā, 19230902 | Svētki Solhaugā | 19230902 | 2nd September 1923 | Latvia | Latvia | Latvia | |