Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Stupovi društva (Pillars of Society)1st November 1897Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu (Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb)Croatia 
Sablasti (Ghosts)16th January 1908Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Osijeku (Croatian National Theatre in Osijek)Croatia 
Sablasti (Ghosts)2nd March 1918   
Sablasti (Ghosts)20th February 1926Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Osijeku (Croatian National Theatre in Osijek)Croatia 
Sablasti (Ghosts)3rd March 1938Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Osijeku (Croatian National Theatre in Osijek)Croatia 
Strahovi27th March 2015Mestno gledališče ljubljanskoSlovenia 
Stupovi društva (Pillars of Society)11th February 1948Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Splitu (Croatian National Theatre in Split)Croatia 
Sablasti (Ghosts)11th October 1940Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Splitu (Croatian National Theatre in Split)Croatia 
Spettri, un dramma familiare20th February 2020Teatro PalladiumItaly 
Spettri, un dramma familiare20th February 2020Teatro BiondoItaly 
Solness, el constructor1961Teatro de los IndependientesArgentina 
Soûz molodeži (The League of Youth / Союз молодëжи)11th January 1907Malyj Teatr (Maly Theatre)Russia 
Soûz molodeži (The League of Youth / Союз молодежы)7th August 1921Теatr RSFSR 1-j (RSFSR Theatre No. 1)Russia 
Stolpy obščestva (Pillars of Society) Moskovski dramatičeski teatr imeni A. PuškinaRussia 
Stolpy obŝestva (Pillars of Society / Столпы общества)5th March 1969Nižegorodskij gosudarstvennyj akademičeskij teatr dramiy imeni A. Gor'kogo (The Nizhny Novgorod State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Gorky)Russia 
Stroitel' Sol'nes (Builder Solness / Строитель Сольнес)23rd March 1931Moskovskij dramatičeskij teatr (Korša teatr)Russia 
Stroitel Solness Radio RossijaRussia 
Stroitel' Sol'nes (Builder Solness / Строитель Сольнес)12th March 1908VitebskBelarus 
Die Stützen der Gesellschaft7th March 1903Stadttheater MetzFrance 
Die Stützen der Gesellschaft20th November 1892Stadttheater MetzFrance 
Die Stützen der Gesellschaft24th March 1910Stadttheater MetzFrance 
Gli SpettriJanuary 1918ItalyItaly 
Sins of the Father6th December 1911United StatesUnited States of America 
Star Quest1989United StatesUnited States of America 
Solness30th November 2015BerlinGermany 
Solness le constructeur5th March 2013La Comédie de ReimsFrance 
Solness le constructeur12th March 2013Théâtre des 13 vents (Theatre des treize vents)France 
Solness le constructeur23rd March 2013Théâtre National de la CollineFrance 
Solness le Constructeur12th April 1937Radio PTTFrance 
Solness le Constructeur11th May 1985Centre Culturel de Coye la ForêtFrance 
Solness le Constructeur2nd March 1993Théâtre 13France 
Solness le Constructeur6th November 2012Théâtre Kléber-MéleauSwitzerland 
Sonntagsluft10th February 2005GermanyGermany 
Die Stützen der Gesellschaft (The Pillars of Society)19th November 2021Hans Otto TheaterGermany 
Stubovi drustva9th December 1968SerbiaSerbia 
Stützen der Gesellschaft21st June 1966GermanyGermany 
Gli spettri15th November 1963ItalyItaly 
Stützen der Gesellschaft31st May 1960GermanyGermany 
Spettri3rd February 2022Teatro GoldoniItaly 
Sancthansnatten20th March 2022IBSEN Museum & TeaterNorway 
St. John's Night1st May 1921Chelsea Palace TheatreEngland 
Spettri28th February 2022Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da UdineItaly