Event Vrykolakes (Ghosts / Βρυκόλακες)
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VenueLaïko Theatro Pagkratiou (Popular Theatre Of Pangrati / Λαϊκό Θέατρο Παγκρατίου), Athens, Greece
First Date17th July 1930
Last Date18th August 1930
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.net
504759Farmakis, TitosTitos Farmakis379ActorOsvald Alving
506368Kamenidis, TheodorosTheodoros Kamenidis379ActorPastor Manders
506367Marsellou, NelliNelli Marsellou379ActorMrs. Helene Alving
454309Sarantidis, GeorgiosGeorgios Sarantidis379ActorJacob Engstrand
456212Stavridou, AnnaAnna Stavridou379ActorRegine Engstrand
454313Rotas, VasilisVasilis Rotas375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
430805Koukoulas, LeonLeon Koukoulas378Translator
Production NationalityGreece
Performance languageModern Greek
Further Information2 Performances / Source: Giannis Moschos, Henrik Ibsen on the Greek stage. From the first performance till the end of the 20 th century (1894-2000) , PhD thesis, School of Drama, Faculty of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 2012, Vol. II, p. 70.
Event Identifier95922
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