Event Donna del mare - di Susan Sontag - da Henrik Ibsen
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DescriptionPerformed 5 - 10 May 1998 at Teatro Comunale di Ferrara. / Tour: / Teatro Storchi, Modena, Italy: 14 - 17 May 1998. / Teatro Nuovo, Udine, Italy: 21 - 24 May 1998. / Muhsin Ertugrul Sahnesi (Istanbul International Theatre Festival), Istanbul, Turkey: 30 - 31 May 1998. / Nuovo Piccolo Teatro, Milano, Italy: 5 - 20 June 1998. / Teatro Ariosto, Reggio Emilia, Italy: 8 - 10 January 1999. / Teatro Grande, Brescia, Italy: 13 - 17 January 1999. / Teatro della Celebrazioni, Bologna, Italy: 21 - 24 January 1999. / Teatro della Corte, Genova, Italy: 28 - 31 January 1999. / Teatro Manzoni, Pistoia, Italy: 4 - 7 February 1999. / Teatro Bonci, Cesena, Italy: 11 - 14 February 1999. / Teatro Pergolesi, Jesi, Italy: 18 - 21 February 1999. / Teatro Biondo, Palermo, Italy: 25 February - 7 March 1999. / Teatro Verdi, Salerno, Italy: 11 - 14 March 1999. / La Luna (Festival international de théâtre), Maubeuge, France: 19 - 20 March 1999. / Grand Salle, Maison des Arts et de la Culture André Malraux (Festival International EXIT), Créteil, France: 25 - 28 March 1999. / Munye Theatre, Main Hall (Seoul Theatre Festival 2000), Seoul, South Korea: 27 August - 3 September 2000 (performed by Korean cast).
VenueTeatro Comunale Di Ferrara, Corso Martiri Della Libertà 5, Ferrara, Italy
First Date5th May 1998
Opening Night5th May 1998
Last Date10th May 1998
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
504600Anzalone, CristianCristian Anzalone379Actor
504598Bozzolo, GiovannaGiovanna Bozzolo379Actor
467184Ceriani, UmbertoUmberto Ceriani379Actor
504597Leroy-Beaulieu, PhilippePhilippe Leroy-Beaulieu379Actor
504596Sanda, DominiqueDominique Sanda379Actor
504599Torelli, LauraLaura Torelli379Actor
457231Sontag, SusanSusan Sontag389Adaptation
452398Galasso, MichaelMichael Galasso388Composer
457226Armani, GiorgioGiorgio Armani387Costume Designer
504601Frigeni, GiuseppeGiuseppe Frigeni375DirectorCollaborator
452395Wilson, RobertRobert Wilson375Director
457227Weissbard, A. J.A. J. Weissbard380Lighting Designer
452395Wilson, RobertRobert Wilson380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Première in a TourYes
Production NationalityItaly
Performance languageItalian
Further InformationRole distribution not specified. / Sources: / - http://www.robertwilson.com/ / - Program booklet for the guest game at Festival International EXIT in Créteil.
Event Identifier95589
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