Event |
I kyra tis thalassas (Lady Inger / Η Κυρία Ίνγκερ από το Έστροτ) |
Venue | Theatro Alfa (Alpha Theater / Θέατρο Άλφα), 28Is Oktovriou 37, Athens, Greece |
First Date | 20th October 1990 |
Opening Night | 20th October 1990 |
Last Date | 31st March 1991 |
Status | Professional |
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Contributors | 469381 | Andrianou, Anna | Anna Andrianou | 379 | Actor | Bolette Wangel | | 469379 | Fotiou, Elli | Elli Fotiou | 379 | Actor | Mrs. Ellida Wangel | | 469383 | Kresta, Eirini | Eirini Kresta | 379 | Actor | Hilde Wangel | | 469376 | Kyritsis, Giorgos | Giorgos Kyritsis | 379 | Actor | Dr. Wangel | | 469385 | Linaios, Stefanos | Stefanos Linaios | 379 | Actor | Arnholm | | 469391 | Mavidis, Spyros | Spyros Mavidis | 379 | Actor | A stranger | | 469387 | Petratos, Dimitris | Dimitris Petratos | 379 | Actor | Lyngstrand | | 469390 | Sompolos, Nikos | Nikos Sompolos | 379 | Actor | Ballested | | 469395 | Xydias, Thodoris | Thodoris Xydias | 388 | Composer | | | 457679 | Karydis, Giannis | Giannis Karydis | 376 | Designer | | | 469385 | Linaios, Stefanos | Stefanos Linaios | 375 | Director | | | 469392 | Kalfagiannis, Giorgos | Giorgos Kalfagiannis | 380 | Lighting Designer | | | 426902 | Ibsen, Henrik | Henrik Ibsen | 386 | Playwright | | | 469385 | Linaios, Stefanos | Stefanos Linaios | 378 | Translator | | |
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Production Nationality | Greece |
Performance language | Modern Greek |
Further Information | Costumes by Rigas. / Stefanos Linaios along with his wife the actress Ellie Fotiou are the founders of the theatrical group “Modern Greek Theater” located in “Alpha Theater” from 1971 till today (written 2012) / Source: Giannis Moschos, Henrik Ibsen on the Greek stage. From the first performance to the end of the 20 th century (1894-2000) , PhD thesis, School of Drama, Faculty of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki 2012, Vol. II, p. 120. |
Event Identifier | 86419 |
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