Event Vrykolakes (Ghosts / Βρυκόλακες)
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DescriptionRadio drama production. / ERT = Greek National Radio and Television. / Transmitted as part of the series: Mikri Avlaia. / Recorded on 11 November 1984.
VenueEpt A’ Programma Radio (Ept A’ Programma Radio / Ept Πρώτο Πρόγραμμα Ραδιο), Athens, Greece
First Date11th December 1984
Opening Night11th December 1984
Last Date13th December 1984
Primary GenreOther
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
    • Radio Production
458996Chatziargyri, EleniEleni Chatziargyri379ActorMrs. Helene Alving
468972Dandoulaki, KatiaKatia Dandoulaki379ActorRegine Engstrand
468967Kastanas, KostasKostas Kastanas379ActorOsvald Alving
468970Kontogiannis, KostasKostas Kontogiannis379ActorJacob Engstrand
460188Moschidis, GiorgosGiorgos Moschidis379ActorPastor Manders
468966Pontikas, MariosMarios Pontikas389Adaptation
468965Themelis, DimitrisDimitris Themelis388Composer(music supervisor)
468964Theodosiadis, GiorgosGiorgos Theodosiadis375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
456048Daskalakis, VasosVasos Daskalakis378Translator
Production NationalityGreece
Performance languageModern Greek
Further InformationSubmitted in three parts on 11, 12 and 13 December 1984. / Radio theater production at ERT. / ERT = Greek National Radio and Television. / Sent as part of the series "Mikri Avlaia". / Posted November 11, 1984. / Source: Giannis Moschos, Henrik Ibsen on the Greek stage. From the first performance to the end of the 20 th century (1894-2000) , PhD thesis, School of Drama, Faculty of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki 2012, Vol. II, p. 234.
Event Identifier86330
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