Event |
Peer Gynt |
Description | Riksteatret, Built on performance at Den Nationale Scene, Bergen from 1969. Toured first with this cast from 20.01.1970 till 14.02.1970, then continued with new cast from 24.08.1970 till 29.09.1970. / This night at Odda gymnas |
Venue | Odda, Odda, Norway |
First Date | 24th January 1970 |
Opening Night | 20th January 1970 |
Status | Professional |
Primary Genre | Theatre |
Secondary Genre | |
Source | |
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Contributors |
_CONTRIBID | SORT_Name | Name | _contfunctIONID | Function | Character | Notes | 450926 | Eikemo, Jon | Jon Eikemo | 379 | Actor | Peer Gynt | | 455597 | Gullestad, Anne | Anne Gullestad | 379 | Actor | Woman in green | | 455597 | Gullestad, Anne | Anne Gullestad | 379 | Actor | Mother Aase | | 455597 | Gullestad, Anne | Anne Gullestad | 379 | Actor | Ingrid | | 455597 | Gullestad, Anne | Anne Gullestad | 379 | Actor | A Lean Person | | 455598 | Hov, Live | Live Hov | 379 | Actor | Solveig | | 450913 | Lillo-Stenberg, Per | Per Lillo-Stenberg | 379 | Actor | Aslak | | 450913 | Lillo-Stenberg, Per | Per Lillo-Stenberg | 379 | Actor | A Buttonmoulder | | 450913 | Lillo-Stenberg, Per | Per Lillo-Stenberg | 379 | Actor | The Troll King | | 451224 | Sæverud, Sigmund | Sigmund Sæverud | 389 | Adaptation | | | 450825 | Nordheim, Arne | Arne Nordheim | 388 | Composer | | | 428988 | Egemar, Christian | Christian Egemar | 387 | Costume Designer | | | 450650 | Kvalem, Finn | Finn Kvalem | 375 | Director | | | 451224 | Sæverud, Sigmund | Sigmund Sæverud | 375 | Director | | | 426902 | Ibsen, Henrik | Henrik Ibsen | 386 | Playwright | | |
Première in a Tour | Yes |
Tour Première | |
Other Events in Tour | |
Works | |
Production Nationality | Norway |
Performance language | Norwegian |
Event Identifier | 83427 |
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