Event Peer Gynt
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VenueRoyal Exchange Theatre, Saint Ann's Square, Manchester, England
First Date11th February 1999
Opening Night11th February 1999
Last Date13th March 1999
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.net
451049Bushell-Mingo, JosetteJosette Bushell-Mingo379ActorWoman in green
451049Bushell-Mingo, JosetteJosette Bushell-Mingo379ActorSolveig
434575Skjønberg, EspenEspen Skjønberg379ActorThe Troll King
434575Skjønberg, EspenEspen Skjønberg379ActorA Buttonmoulder
451048Threlfall, DavidDavid Threlfall379ActorPeer Gynt
451047Murray, BrahamBraham Murray375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
431613Meyer, MichaelMichael Meyer378Translator
Production NationalityEngland
Performance languageEnglish
Further InformationSources: the review underneath and http://www.royalexchangecasting.co.uk/ (the cast list is uncomplete). / Reviews: Financial Times by Ian Shuttleworth, http://www.cix.co.uk/~shutters/reviews/99013.htm
Event Identifier81008
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