Event |
Nora oder Ein Puppenheim |
Venue | Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf, Carl-Theodor-Straße 8, Düsseldorf, Germany |
First Date | 14th March 1906 |
Status | Professional |
Primary Genre | Theatre |
Secondary Genre | |
Source | |
Contributors | 443805 | Boehres, - | - Boehres | 379 | Actor | Bob | | 443805 | Boehres, - | - Boehres | 379 | Actor | Ivar | | 428943 | Dumont, Louise | Louise Dumont | 379 | Actor | Mrs. Kristine Linde | | 429523 | Goetzke, Bernhard | Bernhard Goetzke | 379 | Actor | Dr. Rank | | 443806 | Gries, - | - Gries | 379 | Actor | Emmy | | 429980 | Henckels, Paul | Paul Henckels | 379 | Actor | A porter | 26 March 1906 | 430028 | Hettwer, Wilma | Wilma Hettwer | 379 | Actor | Helene | | 430789 | Körner, Hermine | Hermine Körner | 379 | Actor | Nora | | 431157 | Lindemann, Gustav | Gustav Lindemann | 379 | Actor | Nils Krogstad | | 427371 | Rietz, Helene | Helene Rietz | 379 | Actor | Anne Marie | | 443957 | Schetter, Arthur | Arthur Schetter | 379 | Actor | A porter | | 433467 | Stoeckel, Otto | Otto Stoeckel | 379 | Actor | Torvald Helmer | | 431157 | Lindemann, Gustav | Gustav Lindemann | 375 | Director | | | 426902 | Ibsen, Henrik | Henrik Ibsen | 386 | Playwright | | | 430996 | Lange, Wilhelm | Wilhelm Lange | 378 | Translator | | |
Works | |
Production Nationality | Germany |
Performance language | German |
Further Information | 41 Performances / Performed eight times in the season 1905/06, twice in the season 1906/07 (from 5 January 1907), five times in the season 1907/08 (from 3 December 1907), four times in the season 1908/09 (from 31 March 1909), ten times in the season 1909/10 (from 28 January 1910), six times in the season 1910/11 (from 24 August 1910), three times in the season 1911/12 (from 16 April 1912) and three times in the season 1912/13 (from 15 November 1912). |
Event Identifier | 76646 |
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