Event Ti apegine i Nora - Mía spoudi páno sto Kouklóspito tou Ipsen (What happened to Nora – based on "A Doll’s House" by Ibsen / Τι ἀπεγινε ἰ Νορα)
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DescriptionPerformance dates: / 2 March - 16 April 2006. / 9 November 2006. - January 2007. / Tour: 27 July 2006: International Festival Petras, Theatro Petra, Athens.
VenueTechnochoros Pantomima, Athens, Greece
First Date2nd March 2006
Opening Night2nd March 2006
Last Date16th April 2006
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.net
428541Chatziiakovou, VeraVera Chatziiakovou379ActorMrs. Kristine Linde
428910Drakopoulou, MariaMaria Drakopoulou379ActorNoraNora 1: the age of puberty
430806Koukoulommatis, MichalisMichalis Koukoulommatis379ActorNils Krogstad
435362Papa, NelliNelli Papa379ActorNoraNora 3: the age of maturity
435363Schinaki, TetiTeti Schinaki 379ActorNoraNora 2: the age of fertility
433811Tsiomou, GiannisGiannis Tsiomou379ActorTorvald Helmer
429451Gerodimou, MariaMaria Gerodimou385Choreographer
431491Mavromataki, KellyKelly Mavromataki387Costume Designer
431206Livanos, GiorgosGiorgos Livanos375Director
437112Tomtsini, SokolSokol Tomtsini380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
431776Mueller, JohannesJohannes Mueller381Sound Designer
431630Michalatou, MaeriMaeri Michalatou378Translator
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Has PartTi apegine i Nora - Mía spoudi páno sto Kouklóspito tou IpsenTi apegine i Nora - Mía spoudi páno sto Kouklóspito tou Ipsen (What happened to Nora – based on "A Doll’s House" by Ibsen / Τι ἀπεγινε ἰ Νορα)12517Technochoros Pantomima2006-11-0976530
Production NationalityGreece
Performance languageModern Greek
Further InformationPERF_FLAG nt / Ibsen.net ID 635 / Song: Marianna Toli. / Changes in the cast 27 July 2006: Korina Alexandridou took over the role as Nora 1. Beata Asimakopoulou took over the role as Nora 3. The role of Emmy was added. / Changes in the cast 9 November 2006: Nota Parousi took over the role as Nora 3. / Description of the adaptation in a press release from the theatre: "In our performance, the basic character Nora recalls images from her life, her childhood and from the period that she faced a problem related to her family. Every single period of Nora’s life is performed by three different actresses." (Translated at the Norwegian Embassy in Athens.) / Translated production title: What happened with Nora - based on "A Doll’s House" by Ibsen. / Sources: / - Playbill. / - Information from Christina Sordina at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Athens. / - Giannis Moschos, Henrik Ibsen on the Greek stage. From the first performance till the end of the 20th century (1894-2000), PhD thesis, School of Drama, Faculty of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki 2012, Vol. II, p. 176-177.
Event Identifier76529
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