Event A Doll's House
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Description"Director Carol Woodrow has used a modern translation for this production... it is a visually pleasing and a sufficiently engaging portrayal of Ibsen's socially confronting script."
VenueTheatre 3, Ellery Crescent, Acton, Australia
First Date2nd September 1994
Last Date1st October 1994
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: AusStage
  • Programme: ACT Heritage Library Performing Arts Ephemera Collection, Canberra Repertory Files
  • Flyer: ACT Heritage Library Performing Arts Ephemera Collection, Canberra Repertory Files
  • Review: ACT Heritage Library Performing Arts Ephemera Collection, Canberra Repertory Files
464376Allen, MichaelMichael Allen379ActorNils Krogstad
464381Billingham, KylieKylie Billingham379ActorHelene
464382Fanning, ThomasThomas Fanning379ActorA porter
464379Garran, EleanorEleanor Garran379ActorEmmy
464374Grant, RodRod Grant379ActorDr. Rank
464378Johns, MelissaMelissa Johns379ActorThe Helmers' childAnna
464377Keithley, AdamAdam Keithley379ActorIvar
464372Sinclair, IainIain Sinclair379ActorTorvald Helmer
464373Taylor, AnnetteAnnette Taylor379ActorNora
464380Vaskess, JennieJennie Vaskess379ActorAnne Marie
464375Witheridge, ClaraClara Witheridge379ActorMrs. Kristine Linde
464371McBride, AndrewAndrew McBride388Composer
464369Drum, HelenHelen Drum387Costume Designer
464368Shorter, BarryBarry Shorter376Designer
464367Woodrow, CarolCarol Woodrow375Director
464370Witheridge, AmeliaAmelia Witheridge380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
427601Akerholt, May-BritMay-Brit Akerholt378Translator
Production NationalityAustralia
Performance languageEnglish
Further Informationnt / 733 / Source: AusStage Gateway to the Performing Arts / Review: Nicole Leedham, The Canberra Times, 02 Sept 1994. / Article: Linda Wurts, Muse, 01 Sept 1994. / 3 other reviews available refer to AusStage record 25767
Event Identifier76168
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