Event Kukol'nyi dom (Doll's house / Кукольный дом)
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DescriptionIn the 19th century, the play "A Doll's House" made an impression on contemporaries as a manifesto of feminism, and today it is relevant to discuss the complexities of family life. In our new production, you will see a story about the freedom of the human individual. The action takes place in the Helmer household before Christmas. In an instant, it becomes an arena for the defense of interests. At stake are love, money, well-being, and even honor. Each character faces the question: what is the best course of action? What is necessary for oneself or for others? These questions will determine the freedom of the human individual. Are you a free person?
VenueMolodezhnom Teatre «Anzhazhement» Im. V. S. Zagoruiko (Youth Theater "Engagement" Named After V.s. Zagoruiko / Молодежном Театре «Ангажемент» Им. В. С. Загоруйко), Olimpiyskaya Ulitsa, 8 А, Tyumen Oblast, Russia
First Date14th February 2020
Date EstimatedYes
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
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530796Davydov, NikolayNikolay Davydov (Николай Давыдов)379ActorNils KrogstadЧастный поверенный Крогстад
530791Evdokimova, MiroslavaMiroslava Evdokimova (Мирослава Сергеевна Евдокимова)379ActorNoraНора
530795Gerzhina, IlyaIlya Gerzhina (Илья Гержина)379ActorПосыльный
530794Karaganova, Natalia OlegovnaNatalia Olegovna Karaganova (Наталья Олеговна Караганова)379ActorDr. RankСлужанка
530792Kudryavtsev, Igor ViktorovichIgor Viktorovich Kudryavtsev (Игорь Викторович Кудрявцев)379ActorDr. RankДоктор Ранк
530793Pshenichnikova, Tatyana AlexandrovnaTatyana Alexandrovna Pshenichnikova (Татьяна Александровна Пшеничникова)379ActorMrs. Kristine LindeФру Линне
530790Yudin, Denis AlekseevichDenis Alekseevich Yudin (Денис Юдин)379ActorTorvald HelmerАдвокат Хельмер
530797Zakharova, Ekaterina VladislavovnaEkaterina Vladislavovna Zakharova (Екатерина Владиславовна Захарова)379ActorMrs. Kristine LindeФру Линне
530799Gerasimov, NikitaNikita Gerasimov (Никита Герасимов)385Choreographer
530798Krinitsin, VitalyVitaly Krinitsin (Виталий Криницин)375Director
530800Kleshchev, VadimVadim Kleshchev (Вадим Клещёв)380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
530801Panenkov, AlexeiAlexei Panenkov (Алексей Паненков)384ProducerProduction designer
427033Hansen, AA. Hansen378Translator
427034Hansen, PP. Hansen378Translator
Production NationalityRussia
Performance languageRussian
Event Identifier102645
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